On Github geckotang / presentation-csstest
ブラウザ上でテストする(要Ruby on Rails)
Cactus.expect(".header", "font-size").toEqual("24px");
var actual = $('h2').css('color'); module('Simple CSS'); test("title color blue", 1, function() { same( actual, 'rgb(0, 128, 0)', 'message' ); });
h2のcolorがrgb(0, 128, 0)と同じかをチェック
nav { paddling: 250px; } nav ul { background: #red; }
$ csslint test.css csslint: There are 3 problems in test.css. test.css 1: warning at line 5, col 3 Unknown property 'paddling'. paddling: 250px; test.css 2: warning at line 7, col 1 Rule is empty. nav ul { test.css 3: error at line 8, col 15 Expected a hex color but found '#red' at line 8, col 15. background: #red;
$ ./cssert testcases.html -- h3 : Passed
Feature: Website layout test As a user I want visual consistency on the http://csste.st/ website Scenario: Content layout Given I visit "http://csste.st/" Then "section > p" should have "color" of "rgb(68, 68, 68)"
Hardy v0.0.11 CSS Utils Steps Loaded CSS Steps Loaded Generic Steps Loaded Loading browser firefox ...Shutting down browser 1 scenario (1 passed) 3 steps (3 passed) firefox success
$ git clone git@github.com:Huddle/PhantomCSS.git $ cd PhantomCSS $ cp demo/testsuite.js demo/testsuite2.js $ vi demo/testsuite2.js
/* Initialise CasperJs */ phantom.casperPath = 'CasperJs'; phantom.injectJs('jquery.js'); var casper = require('casper').create({ viewportSize: { width: 1027, height: 800 } }); //Require and initialise PhantomCSS module var phantomcss = require('./phantomcss.js'); phantomcss.init({ screenshotRoot: './screenshots', failedComparisonsRoot: './failures' }); //The test scenario casper. start( "http://www.pxgrid.com/" ). then(function(){ casper.click('#page-header a[href="#service"]'); casper.waitForSelector('#service:not([style*="display: none"])', function success(){ phantomcss.screenshot('#page-header a[href="#service"]', 'show service page'); }, function timeout(){ casper.test.fail('not show service page'); } ); }); // End tests and compare screenshots casper. then( function now_check_the_screenshots(){ phantomcss.compareAll(); }). run( function end_it(){ console.log('\nTHE END.'); phantom.exit(phantomcss.getExitStatus()); });
$ phantomjs demo/testsuite2.js Must be your first time? Some screenshots have been generated in the directory ./screenshots This is your 'baseline', check the images manually. If they're wrong, delete the images. The next time you run these tests, new screenshots will be taken. These screenshots will be compared to the original. If they are different, PhantomCSS will report a failure. THE END.
$ phantomjs demo/testsuite2.js PASS No changes found for screenshot ./screenshots/show service page_0.png PhantomCSS found: 1 tests. None of them failed. Which is good right? If you want to make them fail, go change some CSS - weirdo. THE END.
#page-header nav ul li a.current{ /*...some code...*/ background-color: red; //background-color: #eee; /*...some code...*/ }
$ phantomjs demo/testsuite2.js FAIL Visual change found for screenshot ./screenshots/show service page_0.png (92.36% mismatch) # type: fail # subject: false PhantomCSS found: 1 tests. 1 of them failed. PhantomCSS has created some images that try to show the difference (in the directory ./failures). Fuchsia colored pixels indicate a difference betwen the new and old screenshots. THE END.
左から 正しい画像、どこに差が出ているかの画像、CSS変更後の画像
@function calculateRem($size) { $root-fontSize: 10px; $remSize: ($size / $root-fontSize); @return #{$remSize}rem; } @include test-module('Font Functions') { @include test('[function] calculateRem()') { @include assert-equal(calculateRem(16px), "1.6rem", '正しいremになっている'); } } .hoge { font-size: calculateRem(16px); }
$be compass compile /Users/geckotang/Work/sandbox/true/sass/true/_messages.scss:11 DEBUG: SUMMARY: 1 Tests, 1 Passed, 0 Failed overwrite css/test.css
/* ### Font Functions ------ */ /* - [function] calculateRem() (1 Assertions, 1 Passed, 0 Failed) */ /* 1 Tests: - 1 Passed - 0 Failed */ .hoge { font-size: 1.6rem; }
@include describe("Math Power") { @include it("should expect positive values to be calculated correctly") { @include should( expect( power( 10, 2) ), to( equal( 100 ))); @include should( expect( power( 2, 2) ), to( equal( 4 ))); @include should( expect( power(0.5, 2) ), to( equal( 0.25 ))); } @include it("should expect negative values to be calculated correctly") { @include should( expect( power( 10, -2) ), to( equal( 0.01 ))); @include should( expect( power( 2, -2) ), to( equal( 0.25 ))); @include should( expect( power(0.5, -2) ), to( equal( 4 ))); } }
✔ ✔ 2 Tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped