Working in the terminal can be really intimidating at first!
With practice, navigation and file manipulationis significantly faster in the terminal than in the GUI.
Professional software developers use the terminal all the time,and this class will require some use of it.
Mac & Linux users: Open Terminal Applications > Utilities > Terminal
Windows users: Install & Open Git-Bash
We will not be using Windows "cmd" program,as it uses a different syntax than *NIX systems.
The line that appears in the terminal when you open it is calledthe prompt.
It usually contains information about the user and current directory.It can be customized.
Terminal instructions often start a line with a $.This just represents the last character in the prompt, you don't have to type it.
Try out the following commands!Things that start with # are comments - you don't need to type those out.
# navigate to your desktop cd ~/Desktop #Linux, Mac cd desktop #Windows # make a directory called terminal_adventures mkdir terminal_adventures # navigate into the new terminal_adventures directory cd terminal_adventures # create a new file in the current (terminal_adventures) directory touch hello.txt # list the contents of the current (terminal_adventures) directory ls
Not sure what a command does? Or how it works? Use manTry using man with a few commands. Type the letter q to exit man.
man ls
Working in the terminal, create a directory called gdi_git in the location of your choosing.Desktop? Documents? Somewhere you'll be able to find it again!
Inside the gdi_git directory, create a file called setup.txt.
Message us in the #0415-git Slack channel.Get your Slack invite here:
Practice: spend at least a few minutes practicing navigating and creating/removing documents and directories with the command line.