Functional Programming
Academic curiosity or industry's secret weapon?
Who am I?
- Self-taught programmer
- Open source contributor (Python, JS, Erlang, Haskell)
- Entrepreneur (now: Fig, past: Mochi Media, Pieceable)
- Angel Investor & Startup Advisor
- Current Projects: Fig, Mission Bit
- Hybrid crowd investing and crowd funding site for games
- Launched October 2015
- JavaScript + React client
- Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL server
Mission Bit
- 501c3 non-profit in San Francisco
- Free after-school coding classes
- High school and middle school
- Taught by volunteer tech professionals
- Also: summer internships, company visits, hacker lab, etc.
Imperative Programming
In computer science terminologies, imperative programming is a programming paradigm that describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state.
– Wikipedia: Imperative Programming
FUNctional Programming
In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
– Wikipedia: Functional Programming
- The important part is the programming abstraction, of course every runtime computation is using mutability somewhere
- Is a style of programming, can be done in any language
- Often easier or more efficient to use a language designed for FP
Industry's Secret Weapon?
Scala Usage
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Opower
- Coursera
Haskell Usage
- Finance (JP Morgan, Standard Chartered, Barclays, …)
- Facebook
- Microsoft
- Janrain
- Galois
Erlang Usage
- Telecom (Ericsson, Nokia, AT&T, …)
- Cloud (Heroku, Chef, VMWare, …)
- Advertising (AdRoll, OpenX, AdGear, AOL, …)
- Messaging (WhatsApp, TigerText, 2600hz)
- Gaming (Machine Zone, Spilgames, Wooga, …)
- Finance (Klarna, Smarkets)
Erlang Success Stories
- Machine Zone (2014, ~$3B valuation, Game of War!)
- WhatsApp (2014, $22B acquisition by Facebook)
- Tail-f (2014, $175M acquisition by Cisco)
- Cloudant (2014, acquired by IBM)
- Mochi Media (2010, $80M acquisition by Shanda Games)
- Heroku (2010, $212M acquisition by Salesforce)
- Bluetail (2000, $152M acquisition by Nortel)
Caveat Emptor
Using Erlang will probably not make you rich!… but JavaScript probably isn't doing you any favors either ;)
Popularity Cons
- Fewer learning resources available
- Unlikely to find a fancy IDE (unless Emacs counts)
- Fewer programmers available, may be harder to hire … but you may find better ones (Blub Paradox)
- Fewer open source libraries available … but maybe you waste less time on bad ones ;)
Technical Cons
- Garbage Collection is basically a hard requirement … but unless you're still using C++, this is status quo
- Pure algorithms may have an extra n or log n time cost … but there's usually a way to cheat
- Shared state (e.g. configuration) can be cumbersome … but globals are bad practice anyway
Lambda Calculus (Church)
Combinatory Calculus (Curry & Feys)
LISP (McCarthy)
Operational (Landin) and Denotational (Strachey) semantics
ML (Milner)
Lazy FP & Graph Reduction (Turner)
Miranda (Turner), Lazy ML (Augustsson & Johnsson)
Abbreviated History
Erlang experiments at Ericsson's R&D lab
Haskell committee formed
Haskell 1.0
Erlang open sourced
Scala public release
Clojure public release
Why so long?
- Compiling FP style code to efficient machine code is a harder problem than adding layers of abstraction to how the machine already works.
- FP languages haven't had as many corporations pushing their adoption.
Why now?
- The imperative languages we have are a mess.
- Particularly with regard to concurrency and parallelism.
- Even embedded devices are multi-core today.
- FP can make multi-core and distributed systems easier to build.
- Code is more declarative; what to do, not how to do it.
- Erlang and Haskell have cheap concurrency, no more callback spaghetti.
- Erlang was designed for uptime. Introspection, resiliency and upgrade paths are built-in.
Describe the problem, not the solution.
def merge_sort(lst):
if not lst:
return []
lists = [[x] for x in lst]
while len(lists) > 1:
lists = merge_lists(lists)
return lists[0]
def merge_lists(lists):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(lists) // 2):
result.append(merge2(lists[i*2], lists[i*2 + 1]))
if len(lists) % 2:
return result
def merge2(xs, ys):
i, j = 0, 0
result = []
while i < len(xs) and j < len(ys):
x, y = xs[i], ys[j]
if x > y:
j += 1
i += 1
return result
% bottom-up merge sort
merge_sort([]) -> [];
merge_sort(L) ->
iterate([[X] || X <- L]).
iterate([Xs]) -> Xs;
iterate(Lists) ->
merge_lists([Xs, Ys | Rest]) ->
[merge2(Xs, Ys) | merge_lists(Rest)];
merge_lists(Lists) -> Lists.
merge2(Xs=[X | _], [Y | Ys]) when X > Y ->
[Y | merge2(Xs, Ys)];
merge2([X | Xs], Ys) ->
[X | merge2(Xs, Ys)];
merge2([], Ys) -> Ys.
module MergeSort (mergeSort) where
-- | Bottom-up merge sort.
mergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mergeSort = mergeAll . map (:[])
mergeAll [] = []
mergeAll [xs] = xs
mergeAll xss = mergeAll (mergePairs xss)
mergePairs (a:b:xs) =
merge a b : mergePairs xs
mergePairs xs = xs
merge as@(a:as') bs@(b:bs')
| a > b = b : merge as bs'
| otherwise = a : merge as' bs
merge [] bs = bs
merge as [] = as
Erlang has convenient bit syntax for parsing binary data
%% This parses a TCP packet header (IPv4)!
<< SourcePort:16, DestinationPort:16, SequenceNumber:32,
AckNumber:32, DataOffset:4, _Reserved:4, Flags:8,
WindowSize:16, Checksum:16, UrgentPointer:16,
Payload/binary >> = Segment,
OptSize = (DataOffset - 5)*32,
<< Options:OptSize, Message/binary >> = Payload,
<< CWR:1, ECE:1, URG:1, ACK:1, PSH:1,
RST:1, SYN:1, FIN:1>> = <<Flags:8>>,
%% Can now process the Message according to the
%% Options (if any) and the flags CWR, …, FIN etc.
Cheap Concurrency
- Immutable data is lock-free, no deadlocks if there are no locks.
- <3 KB minimum per thread (process in Erlang terminology)
- High performance IO multiplexing built-in
- Can have millions of threads, even more than one per socket
RAM footprint per unit of concurrency (approx)
Haskell ThreadId + MVar (GHC 7.6.3, 64-bit)
2.6 KB
Erlang process (64-bit)
8.0 KB
Go goroutine
64.0 KB
Java thread stack (minimum)
64.0 KB
C pthread stack (minimum)
1 MB
Java thread stack (default)
8 MB
C pthread stack (default, 64-bit Mac OS X)
Erlang is Multi-core
- One scheduler per core, scales well to 32+ cores
- Better scalability to more cores is in-progress
- Schedulers understand IO (disk, network calls)
- No implicit synchronization
%% Parse HTTP headers from Socket
headers(Socket, Request, Headers) ->
ok = inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
{http, _, http_eoh} ->
%% All of the HTTP headers are parsed
handle_request(Socket, Request, Headers);
{http, _, {http_header, _, Name, _, Value}} ->
headers(Socket, Request, [{Name, Value} | Headers]);
{tcp_closed, _} ->
_Other ->
%% Invalid request
Per-process heaps
- No sharing
- GC is per-process, and not "stop the world"!
- Process references do not prevent GC
- Explicitly hibernate idle processes for compaction
No More Async Callbacks
- Only reason to use async is because threads are expensive
- With cheap pre-emptive threads, you can write straightforward and performant code without inverting the control flow
- Erlang exceptions propagate along linked processes
RPC with a Counter process
Counter ! {self(), {add, 1}},
{Counter, {result, N}} ->
io:format("~p~n", [N])
RPC with a Counter process
{result, N} = gen_server:call(
{add, 1}).
- The Erlang mantra is "let it crash", don't try and handle every unexpected exception
- If a process dies, all of its linked ports and processes also receive an exit signal (which will free any resources such as sockets)
- At the top of the tree, a supervisor receives this signal and may restart the process or group of processes
- Since processes are isolated with no shared mutable data, this is safe and predictable!
- Can get an Erlang shell any networked node
- Tracing makes it possible to investigate production internals
- Great SNMP support
- Very good libraries for monitoring/logging/etc.
- Upgrade services on the fly with hot code loading
- It's not possible to have a truly reliable system that runs on a single server, so Erlang has first class distributed support
- With a few caveats, communicating from process to process between separate Erlang nodes is seamless. Works with the same syntax and libraries!
alto[email protected]PidAnet_kernelepmdonyx[email protected]PidBnet_kernelepmdNot for Everyone
- No language is great at everything! Consider a polyglot approach (but don't drive yourself insane with microservices).
- Learning a new language takes patience, and you will make more mistakes at first.
- When you make mistakes, you should ask for help. Mailing lists, IRC, Twitter, Slack, StackOverflow, etc. can save your project.
- One-way dataflow
- State kept in Virtual DOM
- Rendering is pure!
React: Render
returns the virtual DOM tree for this component
render() {
return (
<div className={this.props.className}
This is a render method!
Updated {this.state.updateCount} times.
XML in JavaScript? What?
returns the virtual DOM tree for this component
render: function() {
return React.createElement(
{ className: this.props.className,
onClick: this.handleClick },
'This is a render method! Updated ',
' times.');
React: Mount
before native DOM element created, can call setState
after native DOM element created and mounted
React: Update
before render when the properties have changed
should render be called? Use when optimizing.
before native DOM updated (like componentWillMount), can call setState
after native DOM updated (like componentDidMount)
React: Unmount
before native DOM removed
Minimal example
var Counter = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return {count: 0};
handleClick(e) {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
render() {
return (<div onClick={this.handleClick}>
Clicked {this.state.count} times.
React.render(<Counter />,
What does FP make easier on the web?
- Time travel (undo / redo)
- Everything is reproducible and testable, without mocking
- Performance (only re-render what changed, efficiently)
Functional Programming
Academic curiosity or industry's secret weapon?
Bob Ippolito (@etrepum) WebCamp Zagreb October 3, 2015