The Rolling Scopes Community
- Browser War I
- Microsoft vs Netscape
- Control of the Internet
Brendan Eich
JavaScript creator, Mozilla founder
First version of JavaScript was created in 10 days
May 6-15, 1995
A == B
A == C
B != C
0 == ''; // true
0 =='0'; // true
'' == '0'; //false
["10", "10", "10", "10"].map(parseInt);
//Output: [10, NaN, 2, 3]
Evolution of name
- First name: “Mocha”
- September 1995: “LiveScript”
- December 1995: “JavaScript”
- June 1997: ECMA-262 Ed. 1, aka ES1
ECMAScript Philosophy
Don't break the web!
ECMAScript Philosophy
- No version like python 2 and 3.
- No breaking changes.
- Fully backwards-compatibility.
JavaScript = Java + Scheme (Lisp) + Self (Smalltalk)
Members of TC39
(Ecma Technical Committee 39)
- Google
- Apple
- eBay
- Mozilla
- Intel
- Microsoft
- Facebook
- ...
Open Browsers
- WebKit/Blink
- Chromium
- Firefox
Open Tools
- Angular/Ember/React/...
- Jasmine/Mocha Test Frameworks
- Grunt/Gulp Task Runner
- Node.js
- Atom IDE
- ....
V8 uses JIT (just-in-time) compilation to directly emit machine code at runtime.
Open source.
1,5+ mln lines of code
If you don't like Java, you can use C#, Ruby, Python and so on
but if you don't like JavaScript
Shut Up and Code!
JavaScript is everywhere
Desktop & Mobile Browsers
Desktop & Mobile native apps (node-webkit, React Native, Tizen)
Hybrid mobile apps
Server (Node.js…)
NoSQL Databases (MongoDB, CouchDB…)
Operation Systems (FirefoxOS, ChromeOS, Nintendo ES...)
reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
Presentation inside browser
Node.js at PayPal
- Teams between 1/3 to 1/10 of Java teams
- Doubled requests per second
- 35% decrease in average response time
- Lines of code shrunk by factor 3 to 5
- Development twice as fast
- JS both on frontend and backend
EPAM CEO showcase award 2014
August, 2015
Unreal Engine
running in a browser
250 KLOC of C
compiled to asm.js (port take 5 days)
running in a browser
at half speed (in 2014)
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