On Github duyetdev / why-docker
Introduction to Docker
Van-Duyet Le <me@duyetdev.com> / duyetdev.com
Cargo Transport Pre-1960
Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container
Multiplicity of Goods Multiplicity of methods for transporting/storing Do I worry about how goods interact (e.g. coffee beans next to spices)
Source: docker.io
Hypervisor vs Docker Container
FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER Victor Vieux (victor@docker.com) LABEL Description="start the foobar executable" # Apt update RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y inotify-tools # Install Nginx and OpenSSH RUN nginx openssh-server RUN bash -c "./somescript.sh" # Install Nodejs, bla bla ....
FROM node:510 MAINTAINER Van-Duyet Le (me@duyetdev.com) # replace this with your application's default port EXPOSE 8888
$ docker build -t nodejs-app . $ docker run -it --rm --name ahihi nodejs-app
Slide: Docker Ecosystem on Azure
- Docker homepage: https://www.docker.com - Docker slides: http://saveto.co/t/docker - Why docker? https://why-docker.talk.duyetdev.com