On Github dipanjanS / dataprod-project-pitch
It provides an interactive and easy way to view different probabilistic functions. You can view both discrete and continuous distribution functions and modify different parameters and see how the distributions change.
The visual component of distribution functions is often neglected in statistical books. Now, you have a chance to interact with the function parameters to see how distributions change based on them.
We get the chosen parameters from the user in the UI and then run server code similar to the segment below.
d<-rnorm(5000) # gets parameter options from left panel and forms the plot below hist(d,main='Normal Distribution',xlab="Observations",ylab="Density",col="skyblue",cex.main=1.5, cex.axis=1.3,cex.lab=1.3,prob=T) # plot gets generated on the right tabbed panel legend("topright", inset = 0.025,legend=bquote(atop(mu==.(round(mean(d))), sigma==.(round(sd(d))))), bty = "n", cex = 2, text.col = 'black', text.font = 2)
The main features of the app are mentioned below.