On Github dinodsaurus / jsDoc-presentation
When the new guy asks where is our app’s documentation
We are developers...
When the library has a very good documentation
This is how software specs should looks like. #software #documentation #spec #agile pic.twitter.com/MitwYjzy71
— Eduardo Moratto (@eduardomoratto) November 19, 2014The bit where I resort to reading source code in a desperate attempt to compensate for dreadful documentation
— Matthew Garrett (@mjg59) February 3, 2015@tech_faq Software documentation is like sex: When it's good, it's really really good. And when it's bad, it's better than nothing at all.
— Jared Finklestein (@iamfinkle) December 29, 2014Material designgoogle.com/materialdesign
Write the docs!docs.writethedocs.org
Disadvantages of agileallaboutagile.com
Agile manifestoagilemanifesto.org