The OCaml programming language
CSCI 5828 — Software Engineering — Fall 2015
Dimitrios Economou
October, 2015
OCaml is...
- multi-paradigmatic
- imperative, functional, object-oriented
- statically and strongly typed, with type inference
- implemented in OCaml and C
- cross-platform
- open source
Why OCaml?
- OCaml occupies a sweet-spot in programming language design
- expressiveness
- practicality
- efficiency
- OCaml has a powerful (ML-based) type system
- functional languages tend to be more expressive than average
- check out this plot of language expressiveness
Practicality: multi-paradigmatic
- Not very comfortable with purely functional languages such as Haskell?
- Don't panic!
- You can fall back to imperative and/or object-oriented programming!
- Mix all these styles as you see fit.
- Gain the pros of each!
Efficiency: it's pretty fast
- static type checking means it doesn't need to happen at run-time
- easily interface with C code
- optimized native machine code
- OCaml's compiler uses static program analysis techniques to optimize value boxing and closure allocation
- Xavier Leroy: "OCaml delivers at least 50% of performance of a decent C compiler"
Who uses OCaml?
- Jane Street Capital
- Citrix Systems
- Facebook
- Etc.
What has been made with OCaml?
- Alright, let's dive head first into the features of OCaml and not do any of that "Hello world" stuff.
- We just want a bird's eye view of the language and its uses.
- We also want a simple picture of the basic OCaml ecosystem
Features: strong static type system with type inference
- strong means types are checked to make sure they are used properly
- static means types are checked at compile-time
- the type checker helps you find bugs before run-time
- the type checker makes refactoring code easier
- if OCaml code compiles, it will probably work the very first time
- type annotations are not required due to type inference
Strongly and statically typed
Let's download a url:
match download url with
| Success data -> process data
| Failure error_msg -> print_error error_msg
But the user might cancel the download! Luckily, the static type checker will catch this at compile-time:
Warning: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
Okay, let's handle that:
match download url with
| Success data -> process data
| Failure error_msg -> print_error error_msg
| Cancelled -> stop_download ()
Type inference
let x = (1, 0.1, ["foo"], fun f x -> f x)
- : int * float * bytes list * (('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) = (1, 0.1, ["foo"], <fun>)
Notice the type polymorphism in the last tuple entry (it's just function application)!
Polymorphic classes, class types, and objects:
let print_object_id obj = print_string obj#id
val print_object_id : < id : string; .. > -> unit =
Polymorphic variants:
let rec eval = function
| `Int n -> n
| `Add e1 e2 -> eval e1 + eval e2
| `Sub e1 e2 -> eval e1 - eval e2
([< `Add of 'a * 'a | `Int of int | `Sub of 'a * 'a ] as 'a) -> int = <fun>
Features: algebraic data types
We've already seen tuples, lists, and variants. There are also records.
Say I want a polynomial type with integer coefficients. OCaml makes this easy.
type t = {
n_vars : int;
mon_map : int IntArrayMap.t
In words, a polynomial type is a number of variables n_vars and a map mon_map from int arrays to ints.
A useful kind of algebraic data type is an option, defined with constructors:
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
This is a good alternative to error handling. Just patten match on options to handle computations that might fail.
let scale_polynomial ?scalar poly =
match scalar with
| None -> poly
| Some scalar -> multiply_each_coefficient_by scalar
Features: immutability by default
This is the way functional languages such as Haskell are, but OCaml supports mutability as well. Recall our polynomial type
type t = {
n_vars : int;
mon_map : int IntArrayMap.t
Say we had a polynomial
let poly = { n_vars = 2; mon_map = some_map }
We cannot change the record field values of poly (which can be dangerous!). If we want mutable record fields, we have to change the type explicitly:
type t = {
mutable n_vars : int;
mutable mon_map : int IntArrayMap.t
In general, we can specify and use mutable values like so:
let counter = ref 0 in
while (!counter < 42) do
counter := succ !counter
This behaves like you would expect in any imperative language.
To summarize:
ref declares a variable to be mutable and global
- we access a ref with !
- we mutate a ref with :=
- mutation acts by side effect, which means it is a function that returns the unit type
- so it is easy to know exactly when you are being naughty and using mutabality and imperative programming!
Features: Module system and functors
What are modules?
- abstract concept of modular programming
- decompose program into separate modules, each with their own purpose
- all ocaml programs are modules (.ml files)
- we can provide module specifications (.mli files) that provide abstraction
- parameterized modules are called functors
Example module specification
module type Stack_no_pop_t = sig
type 'a t
exception Empty
val create : unit -> 'a t
val push : 'a -> 'a t -> unit
If we had a module Stack (which would be written module Stack = struct let ... end), we could obtain a module that's like Stack, but hides pop:
module Stack_only_push = (Stack : Stack_no_pop_t)
- say we want a module in which we can find the greatest element of a list of elements of a given ordered type
Here is the ordered type specification:
module type Ordered_t = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
Then our functor could bemodule GreatestElem (Order : Ordered_t) = struct
type elt = Order.t
let greatest_elem xs = List.fold_left (fun curr next ->
if next curr = 1 then next else curr)
(List.hd xs) xs
Notes about functors and modules
- they are applicative, i.e. the same functor gives equal abstract types on equal inputs
- they are a powerful tool for generic programming
- e.g. ocamlgraph defines graphs as functors
- this is powerful because you can have graphs where the nodes and vertices can be all kinds of rich types (edges could be matrices and nodes vectors)
- OCaml also support first-class modules
- these are modules that are actually values, and can be passed around like any other kind of data
One more note about functors (math)
- You may hear Haskellers/OCamlers talk about category theory and how functors are an important part of it
- There isn't really a deep connection between the functors of category theory and functors of OCaml/Haskell
- You don't need to know any category theory to understand OCaml or Haskell functors.
- OCaml functors are different from Haskell functors
- Haskell's are more directly related to category theory (they are endofunctors on the category Hask of types and functions)
Features: Objects and classes
- Warning: forget everything you know about objects, classes, and types if you're coming from mainsteam OO languages such as Java or C++
- if you do, here are some things that might surprise you:
- the type of an object isn't necessarily the class of an object
- a class can inherit from another without being a subclass
- a class can be a subclass without inheriting
- we can make objects without classes
Objects: are they really that great?
- Don't use them unless you really need to.
- Then why are you telling us about them?
- Because they can be useful.
- Why aren't they useful?
- First-class modules can include types, which objects and classes cannot
- In general, modules, functors, and types are more expressive
Objects: when to use them
- When you want to be contrarian. (Seriously, using objects is not very common OCaml practice.)
- More seriously: for open recursion through self
- Use them when the problem could really benefit from open recursion
- Methods in an object can refer to other methods in the object prior to run-time
Classes: quick intro
class ['a] stack (init : 'a list) = object
val mutable v = init
method pop = match v with
| x :: xs ->
v <- xs;
Some x
| [] -> None
method push x =
v <- x :: v
Classes: when to use them?
Features: concurrency
- OCaml currently supports concurrency
- OCaml currently does not support parallelism
- Only one OCaml thread can be running at a given time
- We expect true parallelism support some time in Fall 2015!
async is Jane Street's concurrency library
Here is small example using async, just like the producer/consumer problem we saw in class
Features: Generalized abstract data types
- GADTs are ADTs applied to parametric types
- GADTs have many applications
- generic programming
- modelling programming languages
- maintaining invariants in data structures
- expressing constraints in domain-specific languages
- performance!
Features: Foreign function interface
- OCaml compiler can link against external C libraries
- OCaml compiler can create native files that you can use in non-OCaml apps
- With ctypes, you can write a C interface in pure OCaml code
Features: What OCaml comes with
Camlp4 for syntax extensions
- ocamllex, ocamlyacc for lexing and parsing
- debugger (ocamldebug)
- documentation generator (ocamldoc)
- profiler (ocamlprof)
- numerous libraries
Development environment and community
OPAM (OCaml package manager)
- tutorials, documentation, packages, community
TypeRex has a ton of great tools, libraries, and resources
Batteries Included is a community-driven effort to standardized the OCaml development platform
OASIS is a build system tool, much like Haskell's Cabal
utop is a nice OCaml repl
- not as many libraries as Python, C, or Java, for example
- development tools are less mature than above languages, for example
- OCaml doesn't support true parallelism, but it will soon!
- however, these limitations are not inherent to the language
- Peyton Jones, Simon; Vytiniotis, Dimitrios; Weirich, Stephanie; Washburn, Geoffrey (2006). "Simple Unification-based Type Inference for GADTs" (PDF). Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'06), Portland.
- Real World OCaml
The OCaml programming language
CSCI 5828 — Software Engineering — Fall 2015
Dimitrios Economou
October, 2015