On Github der-tale / salt-introduction-talk
Deployments should be boring with no surprises
Deployments should be fast with minimal (or no) downtime
Deployments should be idempotently repeatable
Infrastructure as code: One source of truth
Remote Execution
Configuration Management
Parallel, Lightweight
YAML + Jinja
ZeroMQ + MsgPack
Master / Masterless
Linux, xBSD, Solaris, Windows
> wget -O install_salt.sh https://bootstrap.saltstack.com > sudo sh install_salt.sh <args>
Install Master/Minion, preseed keys, set minion id + master dns, (not) start daemons
By hand or automated via Vagrant plugin, Terraform, AWS bootstrap shell script, ...
gitfs_provider: gitpython gitfs_remotes: - https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/postgres-formula.git fileserver_backend: - roots - git file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/states - /srv/salt/formulas/sun-java-formula pillar_roots: base: - /srv/salt/pillars ext_pillar: - git: master http://stash/project/conf.git root=subdirectory log_level: debug
master: salt-master.etecture.com log_level: debug mine_interval: 1 grains: roles: - webserver somekey: - somevalue id: some-node-name
> salt '*' cmd.run 'uname -a' > salt 'minion*' disk.usage > salt -G 'roles:webserver' pkg.install vim > salt -C 'G@os:Ubuntu and G@roles:webserver' network.interfaces
include: - some-other-state app-running: service.running: - name: apache - enable: True - require: - file: apache-config
Requistes match both state ID and name property
apache: user: www-data group: www-data modules: enabled: - rewrite disabled: - php5 sites: test: enabled: true ServerName: test.com
/etc/apache2/sites.available/somevhost.conf: file.managed: source: salt://vhost.tmpl context: ...
Jinja2 Syntax
Conditional, Loops, Variables, Imports, ...
Template model is defined with context property in state
Pillar data is only synched to matching minions, state files to all machines.
Ready to use "formulas" or blueprints, for managing e.g. services, system configuration or more complex scenarios like autoscaling or docker orchestration
is very flexible and performant
can be combined very well with other tools
supports a good number of OSs and cloud providers
can be daunting at first, lots (and lots) of documentation
reasonably sized community, growing steadily
Vagrant Salt PluginSalt Getting Started GuideSalt Reference DocumentationSources of the demo from this talk