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HTML enhanced for web apps!
İsmail Demirbilek
<div ng-app ng-init="qty=1;cost=2"> <b>Invoice:</b> <div> Quantity: <input type="number" ng-model="qty" required > </div> <div> Costs: <input type="number" ng-model="cost" required > </div> <div> <b>Total:</b> {{qty * cost | currency}} </div> </div>
Previous example looks like normal HTML, but some extra markup. These are called directives.Directives are used for DOM access.
ng-app directive initializes the application.ng-model directive stores and updates value of form field.
Another Angular secific markup is the expression. {{expression}} is a Javascript like code snippet that allows to read and write variables. These variables are stored on scope and referred as models.
In previos example an expression used for calculation with qty and cost models.
{{qty * cost | currency}}
A filter formats the value of an expression. In previous example currency filter used to format the value.
{{qty * cost | currency}} produces value looks like money.
<div ng-app="invoice" ng-controller="InvoiceController"> <b>Invoice:</b> <div> Quantity: <input type="number" ng-model="qty" required > </div> <div> Costs: <input type="number" ng-model="cost" required > <select ng-model="inCurr"> <option ng-repeat="c in currencies">{{c}}</option> </select> </div> <div> <b>Total:</b> <span ng-repeat="c in currencies"> {{total(c) | currency:c}} </span> <button class="btn" ng-click="pay()">Pay</button> </div> </div>
angular.module('invoice', []) .controller('InvoiceController', function($scope) { $scope.qty = 1; $scope.cost = 2; $scope.inCurr = 'EUR'; $scope.currencies = ['USD', 'EUR', 'CNY']; $scope.usdToForeignRates = { USD: 1, EUR: 0.74, CNY: 6.09 }; $scope.total = function total(outCurr) { return $scope.convertCurrency($scope.qty * $scope.cost, $scope.inCurr, outCurr); }; $scope.convertCurrency = function convertCurrency(amount, inCurr, outCurr) { return amount * $scope.usdToForeignRates[outCurr] / $scope.usdToForeignRates[inCurr]; }; $scope.pay = function pay() { window.alert("Thanks!"); }; });
The purpose of controllers is to expose variables and functionality to expressions and directives.
ng-controller directive tells Angular that InvoiceController is responsible from directive and its children elements. Here a scope is created.
scope is an object that refers to the application model. Scopes are arranged in hierarchical structure.
In previous example InvoiceController created a scope. Scopes can watch expressions and propagate events.
Previous example has all the logic on controller. As application grows it's a good practice to move view independent logic into services to provide reusabilty and abstraction.
angular.module('finance', []) .factory('currencyConverter', function() { var usdToForeignRates = { USD: 1, EUR: 0.74, CNY: 6.09 }; return { currencies: ['USD', 'EUR', 'CNY'], convert: function (amount, inCurr, outCurr) { return amount * usdToForeignRates[outCurr] / usdToForeignRates[inCurr]; } }; });
angular.module('invoice', ['finance']) .controller('InvoiceController', function($scope, currencyConverter) { $scope.qty = 1; $scope.cost = 2; $scope.inCurr = 'EUR'; $scope.currencies = currencyConverter.currencies; $scope.total = function total(outCurr) { return currencyConverter.convert($scope.qty * $scope.cost, $scope.inCurr, outCurr); }; $scope.pay = function pay() { window.alert("Thanks!"); }; });
In previous example we moved currency convertion logic into a service provided by another module finance.
angular.module('invoice', ['finance']) tells Angular that invoice module depends on finance module and injector wires the controller and the service.
Angular JS Developer Guide
Getting Started with Angular JS
İsmail Demirbilek - @dbtek
© 2014, License: MIT.