A quick peek at HTML5 Web Audio API

A quick peek at HTML5 Web Audio API

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On Github darraghenright / slides

A quick peek at HTML5 Web Audio API

00. Hello


01. An incomplete history of computer music


CSIRAC is Australia's first digital computer. It is also the first computer ever to be used to create music.


The Ferranti Mark 1 at the University of Manchester is used to create the oldest recorded computer music, including "God save the King" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep"


Max Mathews writes MUSIC at Bell Labs. It's the first computer program for generating digital audio waveforms through direct synthesis.

It is the first in a series of MUSIC-N software, which becomes inspiration for many subsequent computer music applications.


The IBM 7090 is the first computer to "sing" a song called "Daisy Bell"



Development of FM synthesis

And... Probably lots of other really exciting stuff?


Commodore 64 is released. 8-bit computers are starting to become commonplace in the home. Games == music.


MIDI (Music Instrument Digital Interface) Specification is published, defining a protocol to allow music instruments (and eventually computers) to talk to each other


Barry Vercoe creates CSOUND

          instr 2
a1        oscil     p4, p5, 1      ; p4=amp
          out       a1             ; p5=freq
f1   0    4096 10 1      ; sine wave

;ins strt dur  amp(p4)   freq(p5)
i2   0    1    2000      880
i2   1.5  1    4000      440
i2   3    1    8000      220
i2   4.5  1    16000     110
i2   6    1    32000     55



Atari ST is released


Commodore Amiga 500 is released. The Amiga quickly becomes a popular platform for Music Tracker software


MIDI sequencer Cubase 1.0 is released on the Atari ST


By now there are tons of freeware/shareware software available on the web.

Stomper Ultra++

HammerHead Rhythm Station

Vaz Plus

Rebirth RB-338


Present Day

Computer based recording and synthesis is incredibly powerful.

Run a real-time studio environment in a domestic machine: recording, synthesis, effects, mixing etc.

But.. what does this have to do with HTML5?

Not a lot? Most computer music software runs natively, written for high performance, typically in languages like C/C++.


May 23rd, 2012

Google released a Doodle celebrating the 78th (posthumous) birthday of Robert Moog

A playable, recordable Minimoog (moogle?) in your browser!

"Much like the musical machines Bob Moog created, this doodle was synthesized from a number of smaller components to form a unique instrument. When experienced with Google Chrome, sound is generated natively using the Web Audio API — a doodle first (for other browsers the Flash plugin is used)."

Wait... what?

HTML5 has a Web Audio API!?

"Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript." - Atwood's Law

02. HTML5 Web Audio API

More than just the <audio> tag

"HTML5 Audio is a subject of the HTML5 specification, investigating audio input, playback, synthesis, as well as speech to text in the browser." - Wikipedia

W3C Working Draft 10 October 2013



W3C Working Draft 10 October 2013
Modular routing for simple or complex mixing/effect architectures, including multiple sends and submixes.
Sample-accurate scheduled sound playback with low latency for musical applications requiring a very high degree of rhythmic precision such as drum machines and sequencers. This also includes the possibility of dynamic creation of effects.
Automation of audio parameters for envelopes, fade-ins / fade-outs, granular effects, filter sweeps, LFOs etc.
Flexible handling of channels in an audio stream, allowing them to be split and merged.
Processing of audio sources from an audio or video media element.
Processing live audio input using a MediaStream from getUserMedia().
Integration with WebRTC
Audio stream synthesis and processing directly in JavaScript.
Spatialized audio supporting a wide range of 3D games and immersive environments; e.g: panning, distance etc.
A convolution engine for a wide range of linear effects, especially very high-quality room effects; e.g: room, hall, backwards/extreme etc.
Dynamics compression for overall control and sweetening of the mix.
Efficient real-time time-domain and frequency analysis / music visualizer support.
Efficient biquad filters for lowpass, highpass, and other common filters.
A Waveshaping effect for distortion and other non-linear effects

Modular Routing

"Modular routing allows arbitrary connections between different AudioNode objects. Each node can have inputs and/or outputs. A source node has no inputs and a single output. A destination node has one input and no outputs"

03. Nodes and Example Usage


"Represents a set of AudioNode objects and their connections. It allows for arbitrary routing of signals to the AudioDestinationNode (what the user ultimately hears)."

"In most use cases, only a single AudioContext is used per document."

"Nodes are created from the context and are then connected together."

// webkitAudioContext in Chrome
var context = new AudioContext();

// create oscillator (for waveform synthesis)
var oscillator = context.createOscillator();

// create gain (for volume control/mixing)
var gain = context.createGainNode();

// create filter (for sound shaping)
var filter = context.createBiquadFilter();

// create source (for sample playback)
var source = context.createBufferSource();

// etc.


"Represents an audio source from an in-memory audio asset in an AudioBuffer. It is useful for playing short audio assets which require a high degree of scheduling flexibility."
interface AudioBufferSourceNode : AudioNode {

    attribute AudioBuffer? buffer;

    readonly attribute AudioParam playbackRate;

    attribute boolean loop;
    attribute double  loopStart;
    attribute double  loopEnd;

    void start(optional double when = 0,
               optional double offset = 0,
               optional double duration);

    void stop(optional double when = 0);

    attribute EventHandler onended;

Play a .wav file

var file = 'http://localhost/break/melvin.wav',

// create an AudioContext object
// note webkit* prefix here
context = new webkitAudioContext(),

// load a file as an arraybuffer
request  = new XMLHttpRequest(),
request.open('GET', file, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';

// load handler
request.onload = function() {

  // decode loaded arraybuffer data
  context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {

    // create AudioBufferSourceNode object
    var source = context.createBufferSource();

    // connect to AudioDestinationNode (speakers)
    source.buffer = buffer;

    // playback options
    source.loop = true;
    source.loopStart = buffer.duration / 2;
    source.loopEnd = buffer.duration;
    source.playbackRate.value = 1;


Play a .wav file

JS Bin

Trigger samples with keypress events



"Represents an audio source generating a periodic waveform. It can be set to a few commonly used waveforms. Additionally, it can be set to an arbitrary periodic waveform through the use of a PeriodicWave object."

interface OscillatorNode : AudioNode {

    attribute OscillatorType type;

    readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
    readonly attribute AudioParam detune; // in Cents

    void start(double when);
    void stop(double when);
    void setPeriodicWave(PeriodicWave periodicWave);

    attribute EventHandler onended;


Basic synthesis

OscillatorNode() ➝ AudioDestinationNode()

Basic synthesis

var context,

// create an AudioContext object
context = new webkitAudioContext();

// create an OscillatorNode object
oscillator = context.createOscillator();

// wire up nodes
// OscillatorNode -> AudioDestinationNode

// now we can make some noise...

// sine, triangle, square, sawtooth, custom
oscillator.type = 'sine';
oscillator.frequency.value = 220;

// play note for 2 seconds

Basic synthesis

JS Bin


Customised waveforms

JS Bin


"Changing the gain of an audio signal is a fundamental operation in audio applications. The GainNode is one of the building blocks for creating mixers."

interface GainNode : AudioNode {
    attribute AudioParam gain;

Adding volume control

OscillatorNode() ➝ GainNode() ➝ AudioDestinationNode()

Adding volume control

JS Bin


"Controls an individual aspect of an AudioNode's functioning, such as volume. The parameter can be set immediately to a particular value using the value attribute. Or, value changes can be scheduled to happen at very precise times for envelopes, volume fades, LFOs, filter sweeps, grain windows, etc."

interface AudioParam {

    attribute float value;
    readonly attribute float defaultValue;

    // Parameter automation.
    void setValueAtTime(float value, double startTime);
    void linearRampToValueAtTime(float value, double endTime);
    void exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float value, double endTime);

    // Exponentially approach the target value
    // with a rate having the given time constant.
    void setTargetAtTime(float target,
                         double startTime,
                         double timeConstant);

    // Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values
    // starting at time for the given duration.
    // The number of values will be scaled to
    // fit into the desired duration.
    void setValueCurveAtTime(Float32Array values,
                             double startTime,
                             double duration);

    // Cancels all scheduled parameter changes
    // with times greater than or equal to startTime.
    void cancelScheduledValues(double startTime);


Amplitude Modulation (AM)

"Amplitude Modulation Synthesis is a type of sound synthesis where the gain of one signal is controlled, or modulated, by the gain of another signal. The signal whose gain is being modulated is called the carrier, and the signal responsible for the modulation is called the modulator."

var context   = new AudioContext(),
    carrier   = context.createOscillator(),
    modulator = context.createOscillator(),
    gainNode  = context.createGainNode();


AM Example #1

JS Bin

AM Example #2

JS Bin

Frequency Modulation (FM)

"Frequency Modulation Synthesis is used to make periodic changes to the frequency of an oscillator. In its simplest form, Frequency Modulation uses two oscillators. The first is the carrier oscillator, which is the one whose frequency will be changed over time. The second is the modulator oscillator, which will change the frequency of the carrier."

var context = new webkitAudioContext(),
    carrier = context.createOscillator(),
    modulator = context.createOscillator(),
    modulatorGain = context.createGainNode();


FM Example #1

JS Bin

FM Example #2

JS Bin


"BiquadFilterNode is an AudioNode processor implementing very common low-order filters. Low-order filters are the building blocks of basic tone controls (bass, mid, treble), graphic equalizers, and more advanced filters. Multiple BiquadFilterNode filters can be combined to form more complex filters."

enum BiquadFilterType {
interface BiquadFilterNode : AudioNode {

    attribute BiquadFilterType type;
    readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
    readonly attribute AudioParam detune; // in Cents
    readonly attribute AudioParam Q; // Quality factor
    readonly attribute AudioParam gain; // in Decibels

    void getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array frequencyHz,
                              Float32Array magResponse,
                              Float32Array phaseResponse);


Simple BiquadFilterNode() Example

JS Bin
