Lua and Love2d

Lua and Love2d

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On Github dark5un / lua-intro

Lua and Love2d

An ultra-fast path to 2D gaming...

Oh I realy wanted to make this

presentation in Love2d

So what is Lua anyway?

Lua - an extensible extension language


What is Lua like?

Lua has a mix of C-like and Pascal-like syntax.

Lua is dynamically typed (like JavaScript).

Fast syntax

Spaces don't matter

Linebreaks don't matter

Indentation doesn't matter

No semicolons

On a given line, any text to the right of -- is considered a comment


123 and 0.456 are numbers.

Lua doesn't make a distinction between integer and real numbers.

Mathematical expressions +, -, * and / can be used on numbers.

> print(2+2)
> print ( 5 / 2 )


true and false are booleans.

==, >, <, >=, <= are comparison operators.

~= is "not equal" operator (instead of !=).

There are also: and, or, not.

> print(5 >= 3 and not (3 < 0))
> print(2.5 == 2)


Strings represent a sequence of characters.

They can be enclosed in " (double quote) or ' (single quote) symbols (Choosing one, the other won't be considered a control symbol).

Escape symbols is done with \. Concatenation operator is .. (instead of + in some languages).

> print( "I am printin' \"My first string\"\non two lines" )
I am printin' "My first string"
on two lines

From Numbers To Strings

Numbers are automatically treated as strings when concatenated, but other types (such as the boolean (5 == 0) in the example below) are not - use tostring on them.

> print( "This number is " .. 5 .. " and it equals zero: " .. tostring(5 == 0))
This number is 5 and it equals zero: false


nil (like null in many languages) means nothing. And equals nothing except itself.


Tables are ubiquitous in Lua.

A table is an array and a hashmap (dictionary) at the same time.

It is an ad hoc data structure.

An empty table is defined like this: {}.

Table keys can be of any type - integer, string, boolean or even another table.

> x = {}          -- Wow, we defined our first variable! Yes, it is simple like this.
> x[1] = "our first item"
> print(x[1])     -- This is how we get a value by key from the table
our first item
> x["wm"] = "awesome"
> print(x["wm"])

Initializing Tables

You can define a table and some initial key values simultaneously.

This is done like: y = { key = "somevalue", anotherkey = "anothervalue" }.

Comma is a separator here.

Only string keys (without quotes) are supported this way.

Lua offers one nifty mechanism for tables - you can access the values by the string key with following syntax: table.key. This creates an illusion of a data structure.

> x = {}
> x.color = "white"  -- Same as x["color"] = "white"
> print(x.color)
> x.wm_langs = { xmonad = "Haskell", awesome = "Lua" }
> print(x.wm_langs.awesome) -- Same as x["wm_langs"]["awesome"]

Nil/Empty Tables

If table doesn't have any value for the given key it means that the value equals nil.

> x = {}
> print(x.blahblah)

Initializing Tables

You can initialize tables without specifying keys, then it will act as an array with values mapped to number keys.

> x = { "first", "second", "third" }
> print(x[2])
> print(x.2)     -- No, no! Only string keys can be referenced like this!
stdin:1: `)' expected near `.2'
> print(x["2"])  -- 2 and "2" are not equal, of course


We will talk about functions later, now you should know, that any function can be assigned to a variable, passed as an argument or be returned from another function.

> ourfunction = print
> ourfunction(2+2)
> get_length = string.len
> ourfunction(get_length("some string"))


Lua is dynamically typed.

That means that you don't have to define the type explicitly - any variable can have any type.

Until variable gets declared it has the value nil.

To declare a variable just assign value to it.

> print(a)  -- a wasn't declared yet
> a = 42
> print(a)
> a = "the answer is " .. a
> print(a)
the answer is 42

Local Variables

Whenever you assign value to a variable, it becomes visible to the whole environment.

It becomes global (you can avoid it by using modules)

To keep your variables inside use the keyword local.

With local your variable will be visible only to the block (function, control structure, file) where it is defined.

> a = 42
> if a == 42 then            -- If you press "Return" here, the next line will be 
>> local a = 10              -- preceeded with >>. This means that you are currently
>> print("Inside: " .. a)    -- inside the block (in this case, if..then block)
>> local b = 100
>> end
Inside: 10
> print(a)
42                           -- See, local binding replaced a with 10 only inside the block
> print(b)
nil                          -- And the variable b was never globally declared

Multiple assignment

In Lua you can assign many values to many variables at the same time. It looks like this:

> a, b, c = 1, "and", 2
> print(a..b..c)
> a, b, c = 1, "and"
> print(c)
nil      -- c hadn't got its value pair, so it was assigned to nil
> a, b, c = 5, "and", 6, "and", 7
> print(a..b..c)
5and6    -- all unused values just went to Limbo


The syntax is simple: if condition then code else code end.

> food = "beans"
> if food == "cake" then
>> print("Yummy!")
>> else
>> print("Ew, I won't eat that!")
>> end
Ew, I won't eat that!

We can leave aside the else part if we are not interested in it.

> under_attack = true
> if under_attack then    -- Booleans can be used like this in conditions
>> print("Alarm!")
>> end


If you want to analyze more conditions, use elseif:

> n = -42
> if n > 0 then
>> print("Positive")
>> elseif n < 0 then
>> print("Negative")
>> else
>> print("Zero")
>> end

Conditional loop.

Has the following syntax: while condition do code end.

> i, r = 0, ""
> while i < 10 do
>> r = r .. i
>> i = i + 1
>> end
> print(r)

For loop.

To loop through a range of numbers use the folowing construct:

for var = start_num,end_num do code end.

> r = ""
> for i = 0, 9 do
>> r = r .. i
>> end
> print(r)

Foreach loop.

Lua allows you iterate through a table with the following syntax:

for key_var, value_var in pairs(table_name) do code end.

> a = { red="#FF0000", yellow="#FFFF00", white="#FFFFFF" }
> for name, color_code in pairs(a) do
>> print(name .. " is " .. color_code)
>> end
yellow is #FFFF00
white is #FFFFFF
red is #FF0000


You can iterate through an "array" with ipairs.

In this case the order is guaranteed.

> a, caesar = { "veni, ", "vidi, ", "vici" }, ""
> for i, v in ipairs(a) do
>> caesar = caesar .. v    -- We just don't use the key, only value
>> end
> print(caesar)
veni, vidi, vici


The basic syntax for defining a function is: function_name = function(arguments) code end.

To return the value from a function use the keyword return.

> sum = function(a,b) return a + b end
> print( sum(2,2) )


If you don't supply some arguments to a function, then they will just be assigned to nil.

> print_three_args = function(a, b, c)
>> print("First: " .. tostring(a))    -- We use tostring() here because 
>> print("Second: " .. tostring(b))   -- nil is not automatically cast
>> print("Third: " .. tostring(c))    -- when concatenated
>> end
> print_three_args(10,20)
First: 10
Second: 20
Third: nil

Return Values

The function can return more than one value at once.

You need to use multiple assignment to get all result values.

> sum_and_diff = function(a, b) 
>> return a+b, a-b
>> end
> x, y = sum_and_diff(5,3)
> print(x, y)   -- print() can actually handle more than one argument.
8     2         -- It prints them separated by tab.

Function Definition

There is a more convenient way to define functions: function function_name (arguments) code end

> function doubler (x)
>> return x * 2
>> end
> print( doubler(42) )

Nil in conditions

In conditions nil always evaluates to false.

It allows to do such witty tricks:

> f ="foo.txt")  -- Trying to open some file. If the file exists, than
> if f then               -- variable f will contain some table, else f will be nil.
>> print("File exists")
>> else print("File not found") end
File not found

Default Arguments

> function multiplicator (x, y)
>> y = y or 2    -- If y is nil, then it will be assigned to 2
>> return x * y
>> end
> print(multiplicator(10, 3))
> print(multiplicator(10))

Enough about LUA...


LOVE2D !!!

My first game... lol

Create a main.lua file inside a dir of your choosing...

Fill it with the code below:

function love.draw()"Hello World", 400, 300)

The LOVE2D Basics

Callback Functions


This function gets called only once, when the game is started, and is usually where you would load resources, initialize variables and set specific settings. All those things can be done anywhere else as well, but doing them here means that they are done once only, saving a lot of system resources.

function love.load()
   image ="cake.jpg")
   local f =,0,0,255),255,255)


This function is called continuously and will probably be where most of your math is done. 'dt' stands for "delta time" and is the amount of seconds since the last time this function was called (which is usually a small value like 0.025714).

function love.update(dt)
   if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
      num = num + 100 * dt -- this would increment num by 100 per second


Returns the time between the last two frames.

        dt = love.timer.getDelta( )


function love.draw(), imgx, imgy)"Click and drag the cake around or use the arrow keys", 10, 10)

love.draw is where all the drawing happens (if that wasn't obvious enough already) and if you call any of the outside of this function then it's not going to have any effect. This function is also called continuously so keep in mind that if you change the font/color/mode/etc at the end of the function then it will have a effect on things at the beginning of the function. For example:

function love.load(),0,0)
function love.draw()"This text is not black because of the line below", 100, 100),0,0)"This text is red", 100, 200)


This function is called whenever a mouse button is pressed and it receives the button and the coordinates of where it was pressed. The button can be any of the constants. This function goes very well along with love.mousereleased.

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
   if button == 'l' then
      imgx = x -- move image to where mouse clicked
      imgy = y


This function is called whenever a mouse button is released and it receives the button and the coordinates of where it was released. You can have this function together with love.mousepressed or separate, they aren't connected in any way.

function love.mousereleased(x, y, button)
   if button == 'l' then
      fireSlingshot(x,y) -- this totally awesome custom function is defined elsewhere


This function is called whenever a keyboard key is pressed and receives the key that was pressed. The key can be any of the constants. This functions goes very well along with love.keyreleased.

function love.keypressed(key, unicode)
   if key == 'b' then
      text = "The B key was pressed."
   elseif key == 'a' then
      a_down = true


This function is called whenever a keyboard key is released and receives the key that was released. You can have this function together with love.keypressed or separate, they aren't connected in any way.

function love.keyreleased(key, unicode)
   if key == 'b' then
      text = "The B key was released."
   elseif key == 'a' then
      a_down = false


function love.focus(f)
  if not f then
    print("LOST FOCUS")
    print("GAINED FOCUS")

This function is called whenever the user clicks off and on the LÖVE window. For instance, if they are playing a windowed game and a user clicks on his Internet browser, the game could be notified and automatically pause the game.

function love.focus(f) gameIsPaused = not f end
function love.update(dt)
    if gameIsPaused then return end
    -- The rest of your love.update code goes here


This function is called whenever the user clicks the windows close button (often an X). For instance, if the user decides they are done playing, they could click the close button. Then, before it closes, the game can save its state.

function love.quit()
  print("Thanks for playing! Come back soon!")

Enough I think lets CODE!


special thanks to awesome wm wiki and love2d wiki (did you expect me to write all these alone?)

twitter: @tehn00b