The Data Lab – Big Data at the world resources institute – Deforestation accounts for 12% of annual greenhouse gas emissions

The Data Lab – Big Data at the world resources institute – Deforestation accounts for 12% of annual greenhouse gas emissions

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On Github danhammer / datalab-presentation

The Data Lab

Big Data at the world resources institute

Dan Hammer //

Core Values at WRI

Integrity. Honesty, candor and openness must guide our work to ensure credibility and to build trust. Innovation. To lead change for a sustainable world, we must be creative, forward-thinking, entrepreneurial, and adaptive. Urgency. We believe that change in human behavior is urgently needed to halt the accelerating rate of environmental deterioration.

... people are inspired by ideas, empowered by knowledge, and moved to change by greater understanding.


API and client libraries

>>> from forma_api import *
>>> data = count_query(iso = "idn")

>>> data

   count        country        date  iso
1   1010      Indonesia  2013-04-07  IDN
2    978      Indonesia  2013-04-23  IDN
3    992      Indonesia  2013-05-08  IDN




Collaboration and Community

WRI engages participation from all sectors of civil society, business, and government — getting information to those who need it, and promoting decision making that is transparent and participatory.


(partner-meeting branch)