Daniel Ehrenberg wrote a paper surveying the research:
A warning: All of the algorithms are fairly difficult to understand. I don’tunderstand all of them; it took me months to figure out the Zhang-Shasha algorithm.if (changeList && !changeList.next) { if (!isDangerousEdit(changeList.text) && !isDangerousEdit(changeList.removed)) { var startMark = _getMarkerAtDocumentPos(editor, changeList.from, true); if (startMark) { var range = startMark.find(); if (range) { text = editor._codeMirror.getRange(range.from, range.to); this.changedTagID = startMark.tagID; startOffsetPos = range.from; startOffset = editor._codeMirror.indexFromPos(startOffsetPos); this.isIncremental = true; } } } }
update: function () { if (this.isElement()) { var i, subtreeHashes = "", childHashes = "", child; for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { child = this.children[i]; if (child.isElement()) { childHashes += String(child.tagID); subtreeHashes += String(child.tagID) + child.attributeSignature + child.subtreeSignature; } else { childHashes += child.textSignature; subtreeHashes += child.textSignature; } } this.childSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(childHashes, childHashes.length, seed); this.subtreeSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(subtreeHashes, subtreeHashes.length, seed); } else { this.textSignature = MurmurHash3.hashString(this.content, this.content.length, seed); } },
Hi, JSConf.
We're merging paragraphs.
Hi, JSConf.
We're merging paragraphs.
<section> 1 "\n " <h2> 2 "\n " <p> 3 "\n " <p> 4 "\n " "Edit Example" "\n Hi, JSConf.\n " "\n " <em> 5 "\n " "We're merging paragraphs."New
<section> 1 "\n " <h2> 2 "\n " <p> 3 "\n " "Edit Example" "\n Hi, JSConf.\n " <em> 5 "\n " "We're merging paragraphs."var addElementInsert = function () { if (!oldNodeMap[newChild.tagID]) { newEdit = { type: "elementInsert", tag: newChild.tag, tagID: newChild.tagID, parentID: newChild.parent.tagID, attributes: newChild.attributes }; newEdits.push(newEdit); newElements.push(newChild); textAfterID = newChild.tagID; newIndex++; return true; } return false; };
Tom Lieber, MIT
function foo(x) { theseus.traceEnter({id: "foo", arguments: [x], this: this}); return x + 1; theseus.traceExit({id: "foo"}); }
function foo(x) { // Call #1 bar(x); // Call #2 bar(x / 2); }
function foo(x) { // Call #1 theseus.traceFunCall("foo-bar1", {func: bar}, [x]); // Call #2 theseus.traceFunCall("foo-bar2", {func: bar}, [x / 2]); }
function foo(url) { $.get(url, function (data) { // ... }); }
function foo(url) { $.get(url, theseus.wrapCallback("foo_1", function (data) { // ... }) ); }
define(function (require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var DocumentManager = brackets.getModule("document/DocumentManager"), PanelManager = brackets.getModule("view/PanelManager"), ExtensionUtils = brackets.getModule("utils/ExtensionUtils"); var previewPanel, currentDoc; function updatePanel() { // Update SVG display var $svgParent = $(".svg-preview", previewPanel.$panel); $svgParent.html(currentDoc.getText()); var $svgRoot = $svgParent.children(); $svgParent.width($svgRoot.width()); $svgParent.height($svgRoot.height()); // Update panel height var panelHeight = $svgRoot.height() + 30; if (panelHeight !== previewPanel.$panel.height()) { previewPanel.$panel.height(panelHeight); previewPanel.$panel.trigger("panelResizeUpdate"); // trigger editor resize } } function setPanel(newDoc) { // Detach from last doc & attach to new one if (currentDoc) { $(currentDoc).off("change", updatePanel); } currentDoc = newDoc; if (currentDoc) { $(currentDoc).on("change", updatePanel); previewPanel.show(); updatePanel(); } else { previewPanel.hide(); } } ExtensionUtils.loadStyleSheet(module, "svg-preview.css"); // Create panel var $panel = $("<div id='svg-preview-panel' class='inline-widget'><div class='svg-preview'></div></div>"); previewPanel = PanelManager.createBottomPanel("svg-preview", $panel, 0); // Listen for editor switch $(DocumentManager).on("currentDocumentChange", function () { var newDoc = DocumentManager.getCurrentDocument(); if (newDoc && newDoc.file.fullPath.match(/\.svg$/i)) { setPanel(newDoc); } else { setPanel(null); } }); });