On Github cvuorinen / reactive-programming-slides
by Carl Vuorinen / @cvuorinen
Reactive == code that reacts to changes
Instead of imperative, where the code executes linearly
An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams
public class Observable { Subscription subscribe(Observer observer) { ... } } public interface Observer { void onCompleted(); void onError(error); void onNext(value); } public interface Subscription { void unsubscribe(); boolean isUnsubscribed(); }
function Observable() { } /** * @param {Observer} observer * @returns {Disposable} */ Observable.prototype.subscribe = function (observer) { ... } function Observer() { } Observer.prototype.onNext = function (value) { ... } Observer.prototype.onError = function (error) { ... } Observer.prototype.onCompleted = function () { ... }
/** * @param {Function} onNext * @param {Function} onError * @param {Function} onCompleted * @returns {Disposable} */ Observable.prototype.subscribe = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { ... }
We have to start thinking in terms of streams
Live in the moment. Do not forget nor dwell on the past, but do forgive it. Be aware of the future but do not fear or worry about it. Focus on the present moment, and that moment alone. Dalai Lama about programming with Streams// letters: // -----a-----b-----c-----d-----e-----f-----| const uppercase = letters.map(x => x.toUpperCase()); // -----A-----B-----C-----D-----E-----F-----| const delayed = uppercase.delay(1000); // ---------------A-----B-----C-----D-----E-----F-----| const firstThree = delayed.take(3); // ---------------A-----B-----C|
const source = Rx.Observable .interval(1000) .take(5) source.subscribe( (x) => print("x = " + x) );
Rx.Observable .fromEvent(document, 'keyup') .map(event => event.keyCode) .filter(key => key > 47 && key < 91) .map(key => String.fromCharCode(key)) .subscribe(key => print(`You pressed: ${key}`))
const click$ = Rx.Observable .fromEvent(document, 'click') const clickCount$ = click$ .buffer(() => click$.debounce(500)) .map(events => events.length) clickCount$ .filter(count => count == 1) .subscribe(() => print('Nice click')) clickCount$ .filter(count => count == 2) .subscribe(() => print('Wow, such doubleclick!')) clickCount$ .filter(count => count > 2) .subscribe(() => print('So many click, much WOW!!1!'))
Uses the new version 5 (which is still in beta)
import {AsyncPipe} from "angular2/common"; @Component({ selector: "list", pipes: [AsyncPipe], template: `<h4>{{ title | async }}</h4> <ul> <li *ngFor="#item of items | async">{{ item }}</li> </ul>` }) export class List { @Input() title: Observable<string>; @Input() items: Observable<string[]>; }
import {AsyncPipe} from "angular2/common"; import {ChangeDetectionStrategy} from "angular2/core"; @Component({ selector: "list", pipes: [AsyncPipe], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: `<h4>{{ title | async }}</h4> <ul> <li *ngFor="#item of items | async">{{ item }}</li> </ul>` }) export class List { @Input() title: Observable<string>; @Input() items: Observable<string[]>; }
import {Control} from "angular2/common"; @Component({ selector: "search", template: `<input [ngFormControl]="search">` }) export class Search { search: Control = new Control(); values: Observable<string> = this.search.valueChanges; }
import {ViewChild} from "angular2/core"; @Component({ selector: "search", template: `<input #search>` }) export class Search implements AfterViewInit { @ViewChild('search') searchInput; valueChanges: Observable<string>; ngAfterViewInit() { this.valueChanges = Observable .fromEvent(this.searchInput.nativeElement, 'change') .map(event => event.target.value); } }
import {Http} from "angular2/http"; @Injectable() export class GithubSearch { private baseUrl = "https://api.github.com"; constructor(private http: Http) {} searchUsers(term: string): Observable<string[]> { return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + "/search/users?q=" + term) .map(response => response.json()) .map(result => result.items.map(item => item.login)) .share(); } }
@Component({ selector: "autocomplete", pipes: [AsyncPipe], template: `<input [ngFormControl]="search"> <ul> <li *ngFor="#suggestion of suggestions | async"> {{ suggestion }} </li> </ul>` }) export class Autocomplete { public search = new Control(); public suggestions: Observable<string[]>; constructor(github: GithubSearch) { this.suggestions = this.search.valueChanges .debounceTime(400) .map(keyword => keyword.trim()) .filter(keyword => keyword.length > 0) .distinctUntilChanged() .map(keyword => github.searchUsers(keyword)) .switch(); } }