On Github csulbsigweb / meteor_in_depth
An awesome, extremely simple way to build apps
Slides located at http://csulbsigweb.github.io/meteor_in_depth/
Aren't there enough javascript solutions already????
if (frameworks >= 5) { console.log('Too many frameworks'); }
Here is the js code needed to run a bare bones simple guest-book example. Crazy right?
Names = new Mongo.Collection('names'); if (Meteor.isClient) { Template.signIn.helpers({ added: function() { return Names.find({}); } }); }
But know that rapid prototyping in meteorjs can be dangerous!
Meteor js has a small library that mimicks Mongodb on the front end! Without inputting proper security rules anyone could make arbitrary calls to your database!
This proves to be both very good and very bad.
Data.insert({ joke: "HAHAHA I HAX UR DATABASE LOLOLOL", trollPic: "http://loltrollface.com/troll.png" });
In the console of your browser in a small/test app, you can run mongo commands like this
CollectionName.insert({ key: value, key: value, ........ });
Go to meteor_demo_acm.meteor.com and try inserting some commands! Leave your name!
So meteor can do mobile apps! Let me show you.