Continuous integration is how PrometSource keeps getting better.
Okay, we admit,
we do have cool toys.
version controlled configuration
build like environments and dicern differences
Checkout our Drupal cookbook:
build a system in a single command
rapid development with a fast repeatable automated process
Behavior driven development
develop against user stories
Like so:
@api @javascript
Feature: View news.
In order learn more about the business,
As an anonymous user,
I need be able to view the latest news.
Given I am an anonymous user
And "article" nodes:
| title | field_article_subtitle | body |
| Article One | This is a subtitle. | This is a description. |
Scenario: Navigate to products from the front page and see all residential products.
Given I am on the homepage
When I click "Latest news"
Then I should see the heading "Latest News"
And I am at "/news"
And I should see the text "Article One"
Want more?
Attend the PrometSource Drupal Association webinar June 17th