Coder Decoder – Functional Programmer Lingo Explained, with Pictures – Mission

Coder Decoder – Functional Programmer Lingo Explained, with Pictures – Mission

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On Github codemiller / coder-decoder

Coder Decoder

Functional Programmer Lingo Explained, with Pictures

Katie Miller (@codemiller)OpenShift Developer Advocate at Red Hat



No one can be told what the Monad is...

Setting the Scene


list1 = [1,2,3]
list2 = [4,5,6]

list1 ++ list2
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6]

catcon list1 list2
-- [4,5,6,1,2,3]
catcon :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]catcon :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]catcon :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
catcon xs ys = ys ++ xs

Friendly Funky Snail


Wubble Demo App

Referential Transparency

A property of an expression in a program that can be replaced with its value without changing the behaviour of the program
We can reason about program behaviour
score = succ (2 + 3)55
main = putStrLn (show score(succ 5))

$ ./main
staticPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
staticPath dir = maybe dir (++ dir) <$> lookupEnv "OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR"

Higher-Order Function

A function that takes a function as an argument or returns one as a result
Glue pieces of code together; reduce code repetition; modular design
ghci> let list1 = [1,2,3]

ghci> :type map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

ghci> map (\elem -> elem * 2) list1
staticPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
staticPath dir = maybe dir (++ dir) <$> lookupEnv "OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR"


Evaluating multi-argument functions as a chain of functions that each take exactly one argument
Aids code reuse; can make code more readable
catcon :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
catcon xs ys = ys ++ xs

ghci> :type catcon [1,2,3]
catcon [1,2,3] :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
ghci> :type map (catcon [1,2,3])
map (catcon [1,2,3]) :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
ghci> map (catcon [1,2,3])(\list -> catcon [1,2,3] list)(\lists -> map (\list -> catcon [1,2,3] list) lists) [[4],[5],[6]]
staticPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
staticPath dir = maybe dir (++ dir) <$> lookupEnv "OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR"

-- maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
-- maybe dir (++ dir) :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath


An instance of a function together with the environment in which it was created
Allows functions to access variables from their context even when it no longer exists; can make code more concise
ghci> (\ch n -> (\str -> take n (repeat ch) ++ str)) 'a' 5 "ha"
(\defs -> liftIO (shuffled defs) >>= (\sdefs -> renderGame (ws^.name) defs sdefs))


Structure that can be mapped over
Identify common pattern; use abstraction to reduce code duplication
ghci> :info Functor
class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ghci> fmap (*2) [1,2,3]
ghci> fmap reverse getLine
staticPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
staticPath dir = maybe dir (++ dir) <$> lookupEnv "OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR"

-- maybe dir (++ dir) :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath
-- lookupEnv "OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR" :: IO (Maybe FilePath)


Structure that puts values in a computational context and implements functions that facilitate the chaining of these computations
A large number of very useful functions can be written once for any type that fits the pattern
ghci> :info Monad
class Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ghci> ["walk","nap","fight"] >>= (\t -> return ("cat" ++ t))
ghci> ["walk","nap","fight"] >>= (\t -> ["cat","dog"] >>= (\a -> return (a ++ t)))
dbConn :: IO Connection
dbConn = dbConnInfo >>= connect

-- dbConnInfo :: IO ConnectInfo
-- connect :: ConnectInfo -> IO Connection
-- (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b-- m  a           -> (a           -> m  b         ) -> m  b
-- IO ConnectInfo -> (ConnectInfo -> IO Connection) -> IO Connection


Data structure for accessing and mutating values in a data type
Provides concise, functional way of drilling down into data types to get or set
-- data Lens target field = 
--     Lens { 
--         get :: target -> field,
--         set :: target -> field -> target
--     }
ghci> :info Lens
type Lens s t a b = Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
...-- dog = Dog { _name = Name { _firstName = "Scooby", _lastName = "Da" } } 
-- cat = Cat { _archEnemy = dog }
-- mouse = Mouse { _food = "cheddar" }

ghci> cat^.archEnemy^.name^.firstNamecat^.archEnemy^.name^.firstName
ghci> set archEnemy mouse cat
Cat {_archEnemy = Mouse {_food = "cheddar"}}

(\defs -> liftIO (shuffled defs) >>= (\sdefs -> renderGame (ws^.name) defs sdefs))


References, Resources, and Credits

References and Resources

Image Credits

Coder Decoder

Katie Miller (@codemiller)OpenShift Developer Advocate at Red Hat