Microservices and Lagom
Why Microservices?
Started monolith. Easy to work with. Easy to deploy. Transactions are simple.
Move to n-tier architecture. Allow spreading out front-end and back-end. But that database...
Big boxes. Every part of every app ended up using the one database server. It was too big otherwise.
Applications became increasingly distributed. Release to "cloud". AWS. Requires
a different mindset.
What is a Microservice?
- Reactive Microservice, specifically
- As defined by Jonas Boner
- Isolation of failure (bulkheading)
- Resilience/Recovery from Failure
- Easier than ever with virtualization/containerization
- Microservices must be absolutely decoupled
- Synchronous calls == Tight coupling
- Asynchronous allows for failure
- Each service acts on its own
- Seperate processes, CI/CD
- Even different teams and different languages
Single Responsibility
- Describe what it does in one sentence
- "Manages friend relationships between users"
NOT "Manages orders and processes payments" - split that into another service
Exclusive State
- Owns its own data
- All access goes through the API
- Use the appropriate data store for the service (Cassandra/ElasticSearch/PostGreSQL)
- Stateless, of course, is also encouraged!
Must have an always-available address
Where that address points can move. Location Transparency
Come in systems. One microservice is no microservices
Wait a minute...
There wasn't anything about size in there. How many lines of code?
shudder It's not about the size
There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things
- Phil Karlton
There are reasons for this, of course! We work with extremely abstract concepts that don't
lend themselves to names very well
Object-Oriented Programming
How big should a microservice be?
As small as possible & as big as necessary
1. Swedish: enough, sufficient, just right.
2. A new opinionated microservices framework from Lightbend
Between Akka and Lagom, the Swedes are taking over naming.
Next product: Lightbend BorkBorkBork!
Lagom is an early release (M1) product. There will be updates and changes
between now and final 1.0.0 release. Do not use in production. Do not taunt Lagom.
Documentation for Lagom is still a work in progress.
activator new lagom-demo lagom-java
- Services are broken out in individual projects.
- Seperate projects for API and implementation
- Short-circuiting implemented by default
- All service APIs are implemented as ServiceCall<Id, Request, Response>
- invoke() method responds with CompletionStage<Response>
- Making it block requires additional effort!
Single Responsibility
- OK, this one is really on the developers
Still, the ease of creating new services lends itself to keep the individual projects small
Exclusive State
- Provides Cassandra integration out of the box.
- ES/CQRS integration requires interfacing through the API
- Utilizes Akka actors/clustering
- Current supported deployment environment is ConductR
- I expect the community will quickly implement other deployments
Microservices and Lagom