Online student Progression Tracking System
Developers: Anam Raza, Charles Bahia, Stephen Emblem, Christopher Guimond, Takahiro Senda
- Implementation of a web based application with database connectivity
- Review student’s progress
- Assign required courses to successfully complete the program
- Send email to students and CC coordinators about students’ course plan for the next term
Upload students data file and insert that data into the database
Student List
- Scrolling
- Sort by Name
- Sort by Student number
Grade Panel
- Grade Highlighting
- Sort Columns
Course Panel
- Smart Selection
- Cool Row Highlighting
SWF9 - Keeping record of assigned plans for students created by coordinators
SWF9 - Keeping record of assigned plans for students created by coordinators
- Stores the Student
- The Student's courses that were assigned
- A plan/version number that helps separate assigned plans
- Visible under history tab for a selected Student