On Github chipcullen / GitHub-Power-Tips
By Chip Cullen
By Chip Cullen | @chipcullen
At EightShapes we use GitHub as a primary means of communication, especially with clients.
Oh hey, these are some notes. They'll be hidden in your presentation, but you can see them if you open the speaker notes window (hit 's' on your keyboard).Most of us know 60-80% of this stuff.
It’s not the same 60-80%.
Let’s all up our game.
Please, please, PLEASE use this
- [ ]
~~I’ve been stricken!~~
Just paste the whole URL
``` .classy-name { display: flex; } ```
```css .classy-name { display: flex; font-family: "Comic Sans", Arial; } ```
Table header | Another Table Header ---------- | ------------- A cell | Another Cell Another row | Yet with more cells Yes, one more row | Need to show off zebra striping
Full list at http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/
Like Gmail, useful for navigation
(Hit ‘ ? ’ when not in a text area)
g + i (goes to Issues)
a (when in Issues, filters by assignee)