On Github charliegerard / iot-ga
Created by Charlie Gerard / @charlie__gerard
Previously: Software Developer @ThoughtWorks
Currently: Unemployed
Mainly: Maker & Creative coder
Giant network of connected 'things'.
Remote controlled lightbulbs
Voice commands to control “smart” appliances in your house. Like “ok google” for your house.
Home appliances such as motion detector that can send you notifications if someone enters your house or turn on the lights when you’re home.
Smart jacket for cyclists indicating direction to drivers behind.
Smart car with auto pilot, voice control phone system, real time energy consumption, 17'' touch screen, etc...
Smart customizable shoes
Wearable temporary tattoos tracking body temperature, etc..
Smart home kit with 14 wireless modules including, mp3 player, temperature sensor, servos, etc...
Starter kit with Arduino UNO, breadboard, buttons, LEDs, jumper wires, capacitors, etc...
Credit-card sized computer that can browse the Internet, play games, make spreadsheets, etc...
Intel Edison compute module with an expansion board to add Arduino Uno shields, etc...
Small Wifi development kit for prototyping IoT projects.
Wifi development board for prototyping IoT projects.
New Arduino IoT invention kit with plug-and-play modules
Arduino Robotic car
"What should I wear?" machine
Remote controlled light
VR + Robot
Motion control + Robot
Project Jacquard
var five = require("johnny-five"); var board = new five.Board(); board.on("ready", function() { // Create an Led on pin 13 var led = new five.Led(13); // Blink every half second led.blink(500); });
var express = require('express'), path = require('path'); //create web server var app = express(); //require the custom module var lab = require('./my_modules/myo_sphero'); lab(); app.listen(3001); console.log("Server running on port 3001");
module.exports = function() { var spheron = require('spheron'); var myo = require('myo'); myo = Myo.create(0); var device = '/dev/tty.Sphero-RBR-AMP-SPP'; var controlSphero = function(sphero) { myo.on('wave_out', function(){ console.log('RIGHT'); sphero.heading = 90; sphero.roll(70, 90, 1); }) } var ball = spheron.sphero().resetTimeout(true); ball.open(device); ball.on('open', function() { console.log('connected to Sphero'); ball.setRGB(spheron.toolbelt.COLORS.PURPLE).setBackLED(255); controlSphero(ball); }); }
alexa help me i'm hurt pic.twitter.com/r6iHh5j5VN
— Steve Hogarty (@misterbrilliant) November 4, 2016Meetups
"Simone's Robots" Youtube Channel
"I like to make stuff" Youtube Channel
Twitter: @charlie__gerard
Github: charliegerard