Even Rouault does the hard part and starts specing it out
In Python
I must port it to JavaScript
Previously I have done
esrijson -> geojson
arcpy toolkit to export layers to:
shapefile -> geojson
port of topojson to python
not actually relevant, just bragging
Similar internal structures which FGDB shares
Shape types
(arcpy, json, and shp)
Multi Point
Coordinate Types (arcpy and shp)
XY (normal)
Z (special)
M (extra special)
Polygons as array of arrays (of points)
(arcpy, json, and shp)
Inner Rings
(json and shp)
outer rings are clockwise
inner rings are counter-clockwise (anti-clockwise to nick)
arcpy is horrible
mini rant about rings in arcpy
outer ring and inner rings separated by null points
must literally check every single point to see if it exists
Convert it all to GeoJSON
And let God sort them out
Shape Types
Point (Same)
Multi Point (Same)
Multi LineString (same as esri Line)
Multi Polygon (~ esri Polygon)
Geometry Collection (makes esri's head asplode)
x, y (in that order) manditory
on your own after that
Inner Rings
polygon obj is array of LineStrings
first one is inner
rest are inner
this is MUCH easier
Geoformat type
esrijson and geojson are transfer formats
shapefile, fileGDB, sqlite/wkb are storage types
Can turn a shapefile into geojson with just the .shp .dbf & .prj
.shp & .dbf if you don't care about the projection
.shp if you don't care about the attributes.
we can ignore a good number of the files
main attraction
in which we actually talk about file gdbs
it's a folder full of weird file names
letter 'a'
number in hex
period (full stop to nick)
file type
the numbers!
start at 1
denote table
much like a shapefile a00000002.* all go with the same table
types we care about
.gdbtable (it has the good stuff)
.gdbtablx (it has row offsets)
we need offsets because there can be space between rows
whats in each table?
catalog of all layers
config parameters
spatial ref data
meta data, mostly xml
relationships, relationship types, or item types (order varies)
relationships, relationship types, or item types (order varies)
relationships, relationship types, or item types (order varies)
Replica Log, seems to be optional, but always mentioned in teh catalog.
feature classes start here,
I'm actually an 'a'.
Binary parsing
node has 'Buffer' and browser has 'ArrayBuffer'
browser has DataView to view ArrayBuffers
ArrayBuffer and DataView are available in node
DataView(ArrayBuffer) !== Buffer
DataView(ArrayBuffer) == Buffer
other reason to use browser version
shp.js was explicitly browser library
already was good
JavaScript is ms since 11/1970
fGDB is days since 12/30/1899
JavaScript doesn't have 64bit integers
Python does
took me far too long to figure this out
just treat m coords as 4th dimension
coordinates are actually delta encoded (like topojson)
my target demographic doesn't care about multipatch and other such
finishing up the library
loading the files
easy for node
not for the browser
use fs.readdir
get an array of filenames
grab the ones we care about
read those
<input type='file' directory />
allows you to select a directory
if your browser supports it (webkit only)
<input type='file' multiple />
works in all modern browsers
requires people to ctrl-a in the .gdb directory to select everything
from a JavaScript perspective looks the same as directory
this is all async which can be:
reminiscent of inception
good thing I wrote a promise lib
and a tool kit for it
this project was the final nail in the coffin for me becoming a promise fan-boi
I digress
useful formats...
nobody passes around directory references
shapefile on the web is only really useful zipped up
just zip up the filegdb
can unzip it on the client side or in node
nice library for that
this is what I did with shp.js
can by speed up (sorta) with a web worker
(I wrote a library for that)
projections, CRS and bears (oh my)
geojson/the web & projections get along like a cat on fire
proj4.js to the rescue
your welcome
other stuff
used browserify to put the library together for the browser