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My slides for DMC13 -

On Github btford / dmc13-slides

Building Mobile Apps with AngularJS and PhoneGap

About Me

@briantford | |

  • AngularJS at Google
  • Co-author of AngularJS in Action
  • <3 Open Source

    Thanks for having me!

This Talk

  • 50% Intro to Angular
  • 15% PhoneGap
  • 34% Case Study
  • 1% Unicorns

There's more to Angular and PhoneGap than I can cover in 45 minutes

Please ask questions and let me know your interests!

Story Time

You are writing an app.

You decide to write a web app.

Naturally, it should work on mobile.

You have some choices to make.

WTF is an AngularJS?

JavaScript framework

How many have heard of Angular? Used it?

Why AngularJS?

AngularJS is a great way to write web apps.

  • Extensible
  • Productive
  • Great Community

Why AngularJS?


  • Two-way Data-binding
  • Opinionated Architecture
  • Reusable Components (Directives)

Why AngularJS?

Two way Data-binding

Why AngularJS?

Opinionated Architecture

Why AngularJS?

Reusable Components (Directives)

  • Teach HTML new tricks
<date-picker date="11/12/13"></date-picker>


<google-map location="Amsterdam"></google-map>

Why AngularJS?


Why AngularJS?

Mobile Components

WTF is a PhoneGap?

  • Bundles web app into mobile app
  • Gives bundled app access to browser APIs
  • Set of build and deploy tools

PhoneGap vs Cordova

"PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova."


Why PhoneGap?

You are a web developer.

  • You know:
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Too lazy busy to learn all native platforms
  • You want to "write once, run everywhere"

Why PhoneGap?

Your web browser does not have access to:

  • Camera
  • Accelerometer
  • Push Notifications
  • And other cool phone features


PhoneGap APIs

What do they look like?

function onSuccess(acceleration) {
    alert('Acceleration X: ' + acceleration.x + '\n' +
          'Acceleration Y: ' + acceleration.y + '\n' +
          'Acceleration Z: ' + acceleration.z + '\n' +
          'Timestamp: '      + acceleration.timestamp + '\n');

function onError() {

navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(onSuccess, onError);

Yay JavaScript.

Case Study


Open source, real-time carpooling/carsharing app.


  • Web
  • Android

Demo Time

Case Study



  • Push notifications (WebSockets + Google Cloud Messaging)
  • Geolocation
  • InAppBrowser for Authentication

Case Study



  • Yeoman
  • Bootstrap
    • Bootswatch (theme)
  • Google+ Sign-in


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Socket.IO


Mobile vs Web Views

An Angular view consumes a scope

  • Serve one HTML file for desktop, one for mobile
  • Minimize HTTP requests, use less CSS, smaller images, etc

AngularJS Pro-tips

Dependency Injection

  • "Don't call me, I'll call you"
  • Not your grandpa's DI
    • No XML nonsense

AngularJS Pro-tips

Dependency Injection

Why is this useful?

  • Replace Implementations
    • Useful for Optimization
  • Decorators
    • Augment existing services (1337 h4x)
  • Testing


Watch your CSS

  • Remove unused selectors
  • Minimal Fancy Stuff
    • Gradients (use images)
    • Transparency


Watch your HTML

  • Minimal DOM
  • Size images correctly



Use your Browser first.

Then use platform tools & these:


Targeting Different Platforms

How do you ensure the right scripts/resources go to the right place?

  • Symlinks
  • Tweak build scripts

Obligatory "No Silver Bullet" Slide

  • Native look and feel
  • Performance
  • Debugging
  • Testing (sort of)

Do what makes sense for your app

What's Next?

PhoneGap is a transitional tool.

Wouldn't it be nice to have this in-browser? And on all platforms?

FirefoxOS is a good start!


Or ask me online:

Thanks for coming!