Let's start with Git...
We need to talk about some of the lingo that goes along with git and how it relates to github.
Language created by Linus Torvalds in 2005
Used because it's lightweight, fast, and easy to use
VCS (Version Control System)
"...records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later."
Repository (Repo)
This is the project folder where your code will be stored
Clones a repository into a new directory
Unstaged Changes
Changes that you have made locally, but no where else
Staged Changes
Changes that are ready to be commited (but haven't been)
(can also be called a changeset)
A snapshot of your project at a specific instance
Image credit: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Git-Basics
Commit Message
Text describing the changes you made
Pushes your commits to your original repository
A copy of the repo to use as a “virtual sandbox”
Copy of a project that won't affect the original
Git was designed for the command line
There are many different GUIs you can download to help
Git is great for tracking code
Binary files? (PSD, PNG, JPG, etc)...not so much
So, let's talk about Github
What is Github
"...a web-based Git repository hosting service"
Go Contribute!
10 Million+ Repositories
What else can I use it for?
When creating the Repo
Name it yourusername.github.com
You can even use a custom domain!
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