Brendan Whitfield - Andrew Mandula - Fernando Ellis
"OpenGL is the premier environment for developing portable, interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications" -
"open specifications and associated conformance tests that enable hardware and software communities to effectively communicate with each other" - Khronos Group
OpenGL was initially created by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board in 1992, but transferred all control to the Khronos Group in 2006
Khronos Group, is an assemblage of corporations seeking a common goal (the OpenGL standard)
Participants with voting rights
Participants with NO voting rights
Functions as Board of Directors
Members of the Khronos Group design, document, and create conformance tests for the OpenGL standard.
Copies of the standard, as well as header files, are freely available to the public.
All 825 pages of itStandards in development are classifiedfor fear of patent trolling