Continuous deployment of a Single Page Application on Azure
Part of dev team @ Booktrack
We are a startup doing soundtracks for ebooks on the web
Our front end stack
Defeating complexity with abstractions
- Node.js
- Angular.js
- Typescript
- Require.js
- Stylus & SASS
- Bower
- Gulp & Grunt
This is a Continuous delivery talk and not about all the cool tools that you may or may not use.
And what is our goal?
Bing experiment
Bing did experiment.
We are as well interested to keep users engaged.
Performance matters
Performance perceived by a website user is not only back end performance but also the perceived performance on
the client side
There are many tools and techniques we are applying in our work to make the website load fast
Here are a few of those that I consider as most important
Use Content Delivery Network to serve files from closest location
We use CDN to serve the files from the closest location to the user
- Reduce download size of scripts, styles and images
- Bundle multiple files into one
- Prioritize the content download
Not as hard as before
It might sound like a lot of work there are tools that make it easier
Using JavaScript and Node.js as CLI tool
How many of you use Node?
Recently people started using Node as Command Line automation tool for build automation.
Order of tasks execution
The problem that everyone faced with such kind of declarative build process is ordering the tasks that depend on
each other.
You had to mix javascript code and configuration objects and it was becoming hard to maintain
Deployment steps
Compile and minify stuff with Gulp
Put it in the Internet
Microsoft Azure has Node.js SDK
Final point
Organize your project with your favorite preprocessors
Use Node.js CLI to build deployment artifacts
Use Node.js to deploy to CDN
Continuous Delivery Pipeline
Team - Version Control - Build - Test - Deployment
User Experience
User Interface
Testers (external)
Dev team (CTO / front-end / back-end / native mobile)
Continuous Integration on local machine
really ?
Run builds on local machine
Compile TypeScript
Compile Stylus
Run tests
Best way to check changes ?
Best way to check changes ?
F5, ctrl + r, ⌘ + r
Working on multiple platforms and browsers
Chrome, Opera, Firefox
There must be a better way
LiveReload (tiny-lr)
- It will refresh the browser for you
- Apply CSS without reloading the page
- Suitable for build tools integration
LiveReload (tiny-lr)
<script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>
1. var tinylr = require('tiny-lr');
2. gulp.task('dev', function(){
3. var lr = tinylr();
4. lr.listen(35729);
5.'/path/to/**/*.js', function(event){
6. lr.changed({
7. body: { files: [event.path] }
8. });
9. });
Manual Test
- Developers
- External
- Smoke, Functional testing, etc
Automated Test
- Karma test runner from AngularJS project
- - execute test via PhantomJS (headless webkit browser)
- Only the important features
Sample Test
CSV Import
1. it("should validate empty first name from CSV file", () => {
2. var result:string[] = [];
3. var csvData: string = "first name, last name, password \n" +
4. ",Smith,somepassword";
6. result = this.csvService.parse(csvData);
8. expect(result.errors[0]).toEqual("There is some data missing in your
file for row(s) [1]. Update the file and upload again.");
9. expect(result.students.length).toEqual(0);
API end point validation
1. it('should validate end point when get("languages") is called',() => {
2. $httpBackend.expectGET('/text/languages');
3. });
Very easy to setup
Not configurable enough
- Hosted continuous integration and deployment software as a service
- Maintenance-free
- Free and paid version
- 5-10 minutes investment of your time
- Large collection of integrated services eg. Github, AWS, Digital Ocean, Chef, Puppet, Capistrano, Heroku,
Java, PHP, Rails, Node,js, MySql, PostgreSQL
- Has more flexibility compared to
We use
- Azure monitoring
- Google Analytics
- Optimizely (AB testing)
- Amplitude
- MixPanel
Final Points
- Automation saves time and money
- Reduce integration problems
- Use liveReload to automate browser refresh
- GulpJS for local and remote build
- Try Codeship
- Reveal.js
- Grab the example from Github
- - short link for the presentation