Bionode intro

Bionode intro

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Bionode demo for a wurmlab meeting

On Github bmpvieira / wurmlab-meeting15a

Bionode intro

Bionode - Modular and universal bioinformatics

Pipeable UNIX command line tools and JavaScript / Node.js APIs for bioinformatic analysis workflows on the server and browser. #bionode

Problem: Too much data

Reproducibility crisis

Reproducibility layers



Bionode also collaborates with BioJS

Bionode - list of modules

Name Type Status People ncbi Data access fasta Parser seq Wrangling IM ensembl Data access blast-parser Parser

Bionode - list of modules

Name Type Status People template Documentation JS pipeline Documentation Gasket pipeline Documentation Dat/Bionode workshop Documentation

Bionode - list of modules

Name Type Status People sra Wrappers bwa Wrappers sam Wrappers bbi Parser

Bionode - list of modules

Name Type People ebi Data access semantic Data access vcf Parser gff Parser bowtie Wrappers sge Wrappers badryan blast Wrappers

Bionode - list of modules

Name Type People vsearch Wrappers khmer Wrappers rsem Wrappers gmap Wrappers star Wrappers go Wrappers badryan

Dat workshop


npm install -g bionodebionode ncbi download gff bacteria bionode ncbi download sra arthropoda | bionode sra fastq-dumpnpm install -g bionode-ncbibionode-ncbi search assembly formicidae | dat import --json

Some problems I faced during my research:

  • For web projects, needed to implement the same functionality on browser and server
  • Difficulty getting relevant descriptions and datasets from NCBI API using bio* libs
  • Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines

Need to reimplement the same code on browser and server.

Solution: JavaScript everywhere

Difficulty getting relevant description and datasets from NCBI API using bio* libs

Python example: URL for the Achromyrmex assembly?
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from Bio import Entrez = ""
esearch_handle = Entrez.esearch(db="assembly", term="Achromyrmex")
esearch_record =
for id in esearch_record['IdList']:
  esummary_handle = Entrez.esummary(db="assembly", id=id)
  esummary_record =
  documentSummarySet = esummary_record['DocumentSummarySet']
  document = documentSummarySet['DocumentSummary'][0]
  metadata_XML = document['Meta'].encode('utf-8')
  metadata = ET.fromstring('' + metadata_XML + '')
  for entry in Metadata[1]:
    print entry.text

Solution: bionode-ncbi

Difficulty getting relevant description and datasets from NCBI API using bio* libs


var bio = require('bionode')
bio.ncbi.urls('assembly', 'Acromyrmex', function(urls) {
bio.ncbi.urls('assembly', 'Acromyrmex').on('data', printGenomeURL)
function printGenomeURL(urls) {

Difficulty getting relevant description and datasets from NCBI API using bio* libs


var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi')
var ndjson = require('ndjson')
ncbi.urls('assembly', 'Acromyrmex')


bionode-ncbi urls assembly Acromyrmex |
tool-stream extractProperty genomic.fna

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.

Solution: Node.js Streams everywhere

var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi')
var tool = require('tool-stream')
var through = require('through2')
var fork1 = through.obj()
var fork2 = through.obj()

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.

Solution: Node.js Streams everywhere

.search('sra', 'Solenopsis invicta')


.pipe('sra', 'pubmed'))

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.

bionode-ncbi search genome Guillardia theta |
tool-stream extractProperty assemblyid |
bionode-ncbi download assembly |
tool-stream collectMatch status completed |
tool-stream extractProperty uid|
bionode-ncbi link assembly bioproject |
tool-stream extractProperty destUID |
bionode-ncbi link bioproject sra |
tool-stream extractProperty destUID |
bionode-ncbi download sra |
bionode-sra fastq-dump |
tool-stream extractProperty destFile |
bionode-bwa mem 503988/GCA_000315625.1_Guith1_genomic.fna.gz |
tool-stream collectMatch status finished|
tool-stream extractProperty sam|

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.

   "import-data": [ 
     "bionode-ncbi search genome eukaryota", 
     "dat import --json --primary=uid" 
   "search-ncbi": [ 
     "dat cat", 
     "grep Guillardia", 
     "tool-stream extractProperty assemblyid", 
     "bionode-ncbi download assembly -", 
     "tool-stream collectMatch status completed", 
     "tool-stream extractProperty uid", 
     "bionode-ncbi link assembly bioproject -", 
     "tool-stream extractProperty destUID", 
     "bionode-ncbi link bioproject sra -", 
     "tool-stream extractProperty destUID", 
     "grep 35526", 
     "bionode-ncbi download sra -", 
     "tool-stream collectMatch status completed", 
     "tee > metadata.json" 

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.

   "index-and-align": [ 
     "cat metadata.json", 
     "bionode-sra fastq-dump -", 
     "tool-stream extractProperty destFile", 
     "bionode-bwa mem **/*fna.gz" 
   "convert-to-bam": [ 
     "bionode-sam 35526/SRR070675.sam" 

Difficulty writing scalable, reproducible and complex bioinformatic pipelines.


pipeline main
run pipeline import

pipeline import run foobar | run dat import --json

bmpvieira example

ekg example

Extra slides

Bionode - Why wrappers?

  • Same interface between modules (Streams and NDJSON)
  • Easy installation with NPM
  • Semantic versioning
  • Add tests
  • Abstract complexity / More user friendly

Bionode - Why Node.js?

Same code client/server side

Bionode - Why Node.js?

Reusable, small and tested modules

Benefit from other JS projects
