Pairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent Model

Pairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent Model

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Talk about the PSMC, given in the Evolution Group Lab Jolly at the Queen Mary, University of London.

On Github bmpvieira / labjolly14a

Pairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent Model

Bruno Vieira | @bmpvieira


What is the PSMC?

PSMC result

Li, 2011

What is it used for?

Effect of climate changes

Discover unexpected population bottlenecks

[Freedman, 2014]

Detect the time of divergence between populations

[Li, 2011]

What I've been doing?

Reproducing published results to master PSMC

What I intend to do?

Use PSMC to answer some evolutionary questions

Is the effective population size in solitary insects > social?

Experimental design

Run PSMC across a wide range of social insects and their solitary relatives

How does it work (theory)?


Short answer: I don't know!

Long answer: I can try to explain...


Watterson, 1975

Generating the genealogical relationship between k sampled sequences from a population with constant size N and no recombination

[Wiuf and Hein, 1999]

Coalescent theory

Kingman, 1982

[Yang, 2014]

Coalescent theory with recombination

Hudson, 1983

Griffiths and Marjoram, 1997

Ancestral Recombination Graph (ARG)

Spatial approach

Wiuf and Hein, 1999

Along the chromosome instead of back in time

Marjoram, 2006

Recombination events that occur on the ARG

1. Recombination in ancestral material;

2. Recombination in non-ancestral material that has ancestral material to both sides;

3. Recombination in non-ancestral material that has ancestral material only to the left;

4. Recombination in non-ancestral material that has ancestral material only to the right;

5. Recombination in an individual that carries no ancestral material.

Marjoram, 2006

Recombination events that occur on the ARG

Spatial approach by Wiuf and Hein, 1999

1. Recombination in ancestral material;

2. Recombination in non-ancestral material that has ancestral material to both sides;

3. Recombination in non-ancestral material that has ancestral material only to the left;

4. Recombination in non-ancestral material that has ancestral material only to the right;

5. Recombination in an individual that carries no ancestral material.

Sequential Markov Coalescent

SMC [McVean & Cardin, 2005]

SMC' [Marjoram & Wall], 2006

A) SMC; B) SMC' [Yang, 2014]

Markov chain

Pairwise Sequential Markov Coalescent

Li, 2011

Demographic inference using composite approximate likelihood (diCal)

Sheehan, 2013

"New coalescent-based method that can efficiently infer population size changes from multiple genomes, providing access to a new store of information about the recent past."

How does it work (practice)?


$ git clone

$ cd psmc

$ make

$ cd utils

$ make


$ utils/fq2psmcfa diploid.fq.gz > diploid.psmcfa $ psmc -o diploid.psmc diploid.psmcfa $ utils/ diploid diploid.psmc


Usage:   psmc [options] input.txt

Options: -p STR      pattern of parameters [4+5*3+4]
         -t FLOAT    maximum 2N0 coalescent time [15]
         -N INT      maximum number of iterations [30]
         -r FLOAT    initial theta/rho ratio [4]
         -c FILE     CpG counts generated by cntcpg [null]
         -o FILE     output file [stdout]
         -i FILE     input parameter file [null]
         -T FLOAT    initial divergence time; -1 to disable [-1]
         -b          bootstrap (input be preprocessed with split_psmcfa)
         -S          simulate sequence
         -d          perform decoding
         -D          print full posterior probabilities


Usage: [options] <out.prefix> <in.psmc>

Options: -u FLOAT   absolute mutation rate per nucleotide [2.5e-08]
         -s INT     skip used in data preparation [100]
         -X FLOAT   maximum generations, 0 for auto [0]
         -x FLOAT   minimum generations, 0 for auto [10000]
         -Y FLOAT   maximum popsize, 0 for auto [0]
         -m INT     minimum number of iteration [5]
         -n INT     take n-th iteration (suppress GOF) [20]
         -M titles  multiline mode [null]
         -f STR     font for title, labels and tics [Helvetica,16]
         -g INT     number of years per generation [25]
         -w INT     line width [4]
         -P STR     position of the keys [right top]
         -T STR     figure title [null]
         -N FLOAT   false negative rate [0]
         -S         no scaling
         -L         show the last bin
         -p         convert to PDF (with epstopdf)
         -R         do not remove temporary files
         -G         plot grid

Thank you!

Bruno Vieira | @bmpvieira

Yannick Wurm | @yannick__

© 2014 Bruno Vieira CC-BY 4.0