Monitoring (security)
with Riemann
Operations at &yet
What is Riemann and
why would I ever think
of using it for monitoring?
Riemann is an event stream processor
Riemann is
- a very low-latency
- event aggregation tool
- coupled with a powerful processing language
Streams are functions
that act on events
is it ready to use?
Ive heard quite a lot about it last year so I wanted to see if it could be a practical part of our toolsetWhat can it do?
- Monitor change to the rate of an event
- Spot peaks
- Spot missing data
- Identify when services are overloaded
Monitor change
For every server you monitor
you can find those that are
receiving more than the usual attention
Spot peaks
You can trigger an alert
when a threshold has been reached
Spot missing data
Often the precursor to an outage
is marked by a service hanging
Identify overloaded services
Knowing when the total load
of a service has exceeded
a threshold
Okay, let's see some specifics
Riemann's Config is Clojure
; -*- mode: clojure; -*-
; vim: filetype=clojure
(logging/init {:file "riemann.log"})
; Listen over TCP (5555),
; UDP (5555), and websockets (5556)
(let [host ""]
(tcp-server {:host host})
(udp-server {:host host})
(ws-server {:host host}))
start of the config file(periodically-expire 5
{:keep-keys [:host :service :tags]})
(defn log-info [event]
(info event))
(def email
(mailer {:from ""}))
defining helper routines(def alert-ops
(email "")
(fn [event] (info "alert ops" event))
(def slack-credentials {
:account "", :token ""})
(def chat-ops
(slack slack-credentials {
:username "opsbot"
:channel "#chatops"
:icon ":smile:"}
(def tell-ops (rollup 5 3600 chat-ops))
(where (state "error") tell-ops)
(tagged "exception" tell-ops))
(let [index (index)]
(default :ttl 60
; index immediately
(where (not (expired? event))
(changed-state {:init "ok"}
(stable 60 :state
(expired alert-ops)
alert when a service stops
talk about changed-state and stableMonitor Nginx Status
Using riemann-nginx-status
from riemann-tools, you can track
metrics exposed by /nginx_status
{ :host,
:service nginx active,
:state ok,
:description nil,
:metric 3,
:tags nil,
:time 1421514112,
:ttl 10.0
Event sent from riemann-nginx-status(where service "nginx"
(fixed-time-window 60
(smap (fn [events] (let [fraction
(/ (count (filter #(= "exception"
(:state %))
(count events))]
{:service "auth failures"
:metric fraction
:state (condp < fraction
0.7 "exception"
0.3 "warning" "ok")}))
(changed-state alert-ops))))
depends on the logstash filtering web
events and adding tags for 4XX errors
exception == 403
warning == password failsUseful links
Riemann illustrations are from