Google Analytics
for TLSconnect
Business case
Create a pool of data about customer behaviour on public website and agent behaviour on intranet. Make this data easily available to business.
What is Google Analytics? 1/2
It's a free web analytics service. It can help to answer following questions:
- What is the real website traffic?
- What pages customers use most (TMP), how much time they spend on differnent pages?
- Which users are most likely to purchase AVS?
- What is AVS sales macro data: seasonality, country breakdown, traffic type breakdown, etc...
What is Google Analytics? 2/2
It's a free web analytics service. It can help to answer following questions:
- What is geographics allocation of website traffic
- How does client satisfaction varies across regions/seasons?
- Does customer satisfaction affect AVS sales?
- What is agent behaviour on tlsconnect?
Google Analytics
for TLSconnect