Ada Lovelace
first functional programmer
Thank organizers, sponsors and companyDaan van Berkel
Why this presentation?Emancipation
Unequal pay, glass ceiling, incorrect stereotype, women leaving techPerception
How do we view women. Tell the anecdote of my daughterLogarithm
$\log_{a} a^{b} = b$
$a^{m} \times a^{n}$
$a^{m + n}$
$\log(a \times b)$
$\log(a) + \log(b)$
How to calculate the logarithm?
This property holds forall polynomials
Operations Cards, Variable Cards, Number Cards
Luigi Menabrea treatise is translated by Ada Lovelace
Calculation of Bernoulli numbers, found in the Taylor expanson of Tangent functionAda Lovelace
first functional programmer?