On Github alanorth / hpc-users-group4
Creating a community around research computing at ILRI
December 4, 2013
HUG Meetup #4
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"Master" of the slaves
Don't run things here :)
128 GB of RAM
64 CPUs ("cores")
Great for batch and interactive jobs
384 GB of RAM
16 CPUs ("cores")
Great for high-memory jobs
10 Gigabit Ethernet
It's boring... I know.
To infinity... and beyond!
(in a nutshell)
Bandwidth graph during blastn against WGS (peak throughput 720MB/sec)
A program can be CPU bound or I/O bound...
A program is said to be CPU bound when the time to complete a task is determined principally by the speed of the central processing unit (CPU).
R, structure, ???
Many programs allow you to specify cores, threads, or CPUs. For example:
blastn -num_threads 4
Trinity.pl [..] --output blah.out --CPU 4 --inchworm_cpu 4 --bflyCPU 4
Make sure to match your program's thread/core/cpu parameter with the SLURM job parameters!
A program is said to be I/O bound when the time to complete a task is determined principally by the speed of the input/output subsystem (ie the disk or the network).
BLAST, Trinity, Bowtie, ???
Pro-tip: don't write to the network!
taurus and mammoth have a local "scratch" space we can use:
Scratch space is a local, temporary place to put your data where you don't incur penalties for going over the network
#!/bin/env bash #SBATCH -p batch #SBATCH -n 4 #SBATCH -J blastn # load the blast module module load blast/2.2.28+ WORKDIR=/var/scratch/$SLURM_JOBID mkdir -p $WORKDIR echo "Using $WORKDIR on $SLURMD_NODENAME" echo # run the blast with 4 CPU threads (cores) blastn -query ~/data/sequences/drosoph_14_sequences.seq -db nt -num_threads 4 -out $WORKDIR/output
Creates a unique temp directory for you during runtime, ie:
Make sure to clean up when you're done!
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13,646 jobs since April!
530 jobs in the last 30 days :(
39 jobs in the last week :( :(
Are we doing science? :(