On Github alanorth / hpc-users-group3
Creating a community around research computing at ILRI
September 4, 2013
HUG Meetup #3
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"Master" of the slaves
Don't run things here :)
128 GB of RAM
64 CPUs ("cores")
Great for batch and interactive jobs
384 GB of RAM
16 CPUs ("cores")
Great for high-memory jobs
a.k.a. why are there so many people on this bridge?
Data goes from storage to application...
New data goes back to storage from application...
taurus and mammoth have a local "scratch" space we can use:
Scratch space is a local, temporary place to put your data where you don't incur penalties for going over the network
#!/bin/env bash #SBATCH -p batch #SBATCH -n 4 #SBATCH -J test WORKDIR=/var/scratch/$SLURM_JOBID mkdir -p $WORKDIR echo "Using $WORKDIR on $SLURMD_NODENAME" echo Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G --single AR1960BN.fastq --output $WORKDIR/AR1960BN.out --CPU 4 --inchworm_cpu 4 --bflyCPU 4
Creates a unique temp directory for you during runtime, ie:
Make sure to clean up when you're done!
a.k.a magic!
modules modify your environment to dynamically load support for programs/packages
[aorth@hpc: ~]$ R -bash: R: command not found [aorth@hpc: ~]$ module load R [aorth@hpc: ~]$ R R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03) -- "Masked Marvel" ...
In this case, the R module modified your $PATH to include the path to R
The $PATH is where your shell looks for commands when you type them...
[aorth@hpc: ~]$ echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin [aorth@hpc: ~]$ module load R [aorth@hpc: ~]$ echo $PATH /export/apps/R/3.0.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
Every time you load a module, it prepends directories to your $PATH
Here's the "modulefile" for R:
set appname R set version 3.0.0 set prefix /export/apps/${appname}/${version} set exec_prefix ${prefix}/bin set datarootdir ${prefix}/share conflict R prepend-path PATH ${exec_prefix} prepend-path MANPATH ${datarootdir}/man
Simple enough, right? Notice it also overrides the $MANPATH
modules can also handle dependencies, for example:
[aorth@hpc: ~]$ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) ilri/latest [aorth@hpc: ~]$ module load cufflinks [aorth@hpc: ~]$ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) ilri/latest 2) samtools/latest 3) cufflinks/latest
cufflinks isn't much use without samtools...
module unload module -- Unload module
module avail -- List all available modules
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August's users who love science the most... ;)
1. ekamau (3,512)
2. mwamalwa (715)
3. dmujibi (573)
1. tamuge (159.6)
2. ekamau (70.5)
3. dmujibi (61.8)
... in days!
9,402 jobs since April
6,396 jobs in the last 30 days
1,300 jobs in the last week
457 days of wall clock time in the last month!
taurus maintenance this weekend... possible?
Come back for HUG #4 ;)
October 2, 2013