On Github aeud / data-pres
SELECT timestamp(utc_usec_to_month(createdAt)) month, round(sum(totals.validNetRevenue)) net_revenue, sum(totals.validOrders) orders, FROM dwh.orders WHERE createdAt >= utc_usec_to_year(current_date()) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 DESC
SELECT device.browser browser, sum(totals.visits) sessions, sum(totals.pageviews) pageviews, FROM ( table_date_range( [luxola.com:luxola-analytics:50639087.ga_sessions_], timestamp(date_add(utc_usec_to_week(current_date(), 0), -1, 'week')), timestamp(utc_usec_to_week(current_date(), 0)) ) ) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC
SELECT timestamp(date_start) date, sum(integer(impressions)) impressions, sum(clicks) clicks, round(sum(clicks) / sum(integer(impressions)), 4) ctr, FROM [luxola.com:luxola-analytics:facebook.insights] WHERE timestamp(date_start) >= date_add(current_date(), -1, 'week') GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 DESC
-- [TEST Daily net revenue SELECT timestamp(date(o.createdAt)) date, o.address.country country, round(sum(o.totals.netRevenue)) net FROM [dwh.orders] o WHERE o.isValid and date(o.createdAt) >= DATE(STRFTIME_UTC_USEC(date_add(current_date(), -1, 'DAY'), '%Y-%m-01')) and date(o.createdAt) < current_date() GROUP BY date, country ORDER BY date, country