What's Big Data
Big data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional
database systems.
4V's of Big Data
Volume data is getting higher/bigger than ever
Velocity data is increasing. ex: complex real time
Variety data is spiraling ex: unstructured video and
Variability data types/formats also different
Multitude of Data Types
Structured, Semi-structured and Unstructured
- Demographic, psychographic, transactional
- Call center data, social media data, web log data, sensor networks
- Requires new storage mechanisms (Hadoop, NoSQL, ...)
- High dimensionality
The challenge in big data analytics is to dig deeply, quickly (real time?) and widely
Real Challenge: Stream Mining?
Generate Summaries
Properly constructed summaries are useful for highlighting emerging patterns, trends, and anomalies.
Common summaries include a list of distinct items, recently trending items, heavy hitters (items that have
appeared frequently), and the top k (most
popular) items
Approximate Answers
In the streaming context summaries are constantly changing, thus in many applications approximate
answers are acceptable
Sampling from a Data Stream
Building a random sample from data that’s continuously arriving isn’t straightforward (note that in a
stream you iterate over the data set only once)
Data Mining
Beyond simple summaries, advanced algorithms for data mining have drawn interest
Application Areas
Important stream mining applications such as
- identifying trends (discover “trending topics”)
- anomaly detection (“alerts”)
- correlations
- clustering
- classification
You have to be able to reliably consume it, normalize it, merge it with other data, apply functions
on it, store it, query it, distribute it
Batch Processing
Batch data processing is an efficient way of processing high volumes of data
is where a group of
transactions is collected over a period of time
Data is collected, entered, processed and then the batch results are produced
Data is processed by worker nodes and managed by master node
Analytical queries can be executed as distributed on offline big data. User queries are converted to
Map-Reduce jobs on cluster to process big data
Hive: Supports SQL like query language
Pig: More likely a scripting language
MapReduce is a programming model and software framework first developed by
A method for distributing a task across multiple nodes
Each node processes data assigned to that node
Consists of two developer-created phases
Features of MapReduce systems include:
- Reliably processing a job even when machines die
- Paralellization on thousands of machines
Map step: The master node takes the input, divides it into smaller sub-problems,
and distributes them to
worker nodes. A worker node may do this again in turn, leading to a multi-level tree structure. The worker
node processes the smaller problem, and passes the answer back to its master node
function map(String name, String document) {
for each word w in document {
emit (w, 1) // emit(key, value)
Reduce step: After map step, the master node collects the answers of all the
sub-problems and classifies all values with their keys. Each unique key and its values are sent to a
distinct reducer. This means that each reducer processes a distinct key and its values independently from
each other
function reduce(String word, Iterator partialCounts) {
sum = 0;
for each pc in partialCounts {
sum += ParseInt(pc);
emit (word, sum);
Hadoop is a scalable fault-tolerant distributed system for data storage and
Core Hadoop has two main components:
HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System is a reliable, self- healing,
redundant, high-bandwidth, distributed file system optimized for large files
MapReduce: Fault-tolerant distributed processing
Operates on unsuctured and structured data
Scalable, distributed, portable file system written in Java for Hadoop framework
- Primary distributed storage used by Hadoop applications
HDFS can be part of a Hadoop cluster or can be a stand-alone general purpose distributed file system
An HDFS cluster primarily consists of
NameNode that manages file system metadata
DataNode that stores actual data
Stores very large files in blocks across machines in a large cluster
- Reliability and fault tolerance ensured by replicating data across multiple hosts
Analytical Queries over Offline Big Data
Hadoop is great for large-data processing
- But writing Java programs for everything is verbose and slow
- Not everyone wants to (or can) write Java code
Solution: develop higher-level data processing languages
Hive HQL is like SQL
Pig Pig Latin is a bit like Perl
A system for querying and managing structured data built on top of Hadoop
Structured data with rich data types (structs, lists and maps)
Directly query data from different formats (text/binary) and file formats (Flat/Sequence)
SQL as a familiar programming tool and for standard analytics
Allow embedded scripts for extensibility and for non standard applications
Rich MetaData to allow data discovery and for optimization
A platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis
Compiles down to MapReduce jobs
Common design patterns as key words (joins, distinct, counts)
Data flow analysis
- A script can map to multiple map-reduce jobs
Can be interactive mode
- Issue commands and get results