On Github acabunoc / work-open-webfest
I work at the Mozilla Foundation where I'm lead developer for the Mozilla Science Lab.
I want to use the web to move science forward.
We’re building a better Internet. Our mission is to promote openness, innovation & opportunity on the Web.
Helping researchers leverage the open web.
history of
same problems, centuries apart
Enabling research since the 17th century!
First scientific journal: 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society’, Royal Society of London, 1665
same four values:credit, documentation, sharing & participation → open source movement
more granular attribution and documentation
software and data is availableimmediately and globally
Let's bring this radical participation to science!
Open Source project checklist
GitHub - public repository LICENSE - open source README.md - make your mission clear Public issue tracker - good first bugs CONTRIBUTING.md - contributor guidelines Roadmap - development status Mentorship - engage your communityPut your work in a public repository!
New to GitHub? http://guides.github.com/
Installing git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
Make sure your project is actually open source
1961: Kennedy announces they will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade
Tease out the tasks and questions you have
Let others know how they can help
Questions to answer in your CONTRIBUTING.md
Once you decide what you're going to do, write it down!
These slides: http://acabunoc.github.io/work-open-webfest