'Bout Me – Education – Research

'Bout Me – Education – Research

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'Bout Me

Artyom Desyatnikov


  • Education
  • Research
  • Job experience


Primary school
Entered the primary school when I was 5. Not much do I remember about that period of my life except for the general feeling of doing some great deeds there confirmed and amplified by my teachers' being pleased with my efforts.


Music school
I've been attending a musical school for 10 years since I was 3. Much more to recall about it. The music was my first and the most vivid experience of doing something beautiful and quite different to what the others do. Despite the fear of appearing boastful to you, I would like to add that I achieved pretty much in playing the piano. I've been to competitions and took 1st place. Still don't feel like parting ways with music.


Secondary school
Went on to secondary school under the same organisation. Aptitudes to the fields of study became clear. Inclined towards maths informatics and English. My classmates proved to make a great company. Leaving them behind made me nervous.



Praising the people

Having embraced my anxiety and having passed my qualification tests I applied to the maths-mechanics department of UrFU to advance my knowledge of computer science I had been fond of. Fears were in vain. I was delighted to find myself in a group where I felt myself at the right place. Our groups were shuffled a couple of times, once due to running low on students after quite a few of them having abandoned the university, and the second time after having us graduated when we applied for a higher degree. And despite all these reformations I tended to be surrounded by sensible nonchalant people with a proper sence of humour helpful and friendly. To say nothing about the teachers and lecturers. I'm the kind of person. These being my impressions, I'm now studying for my Master's Degree in computer science which I am to obtain the next year. I'm not being hasty though, planning to take my time and enjoy the company of my mates here as well as the whole department population. Speaking of my obtaining the Master's it's about time to mention my research work.


Rhythm recognition
  • Intersection of music and computer sciences
  • Previously - analog music mostly
  • MIDI - easier and more accurate
Having noted my close relations to both music and CS it should be of little surprise to you that my current research work is devoted to musical rhythm recognition. I felt the need of such a method when I discovered that sometimes I wish I could fix the slight tempo issues in the music I've just played and found no available tools to do it. Previous studies in this area were rather incomplete and usually confined to only the aspect of raw analog sound recognition while my research is aimed at the analysis of more refined data - the MIDI stream. The advantage of this format is the opportunity to employ more discrete analysis methods on the data given the information about each note timings is known precisely. That is expected to make the whole recognition more accurate.


I'm doing this research at the chair of Informatics And Control Processes. The chair being mainly concerned with classification problems as well as some utilitary programming, the aforementioned problem suits its field of interest very well. Now to by more down-to-earth programming experience.

Job experience

Accounting PHP site

Kind guys

I was in my first year at university when I felt the urge to go and use my most profound programming knowledge in the name of the prosperity of the world. Luckily I was offered a little job by my former classmate to implement a simple accounting site for their company. Now I can't believe how lucky I was to have started off with this exact company. They turned out to be quite a forgiving employer, quite indecisive though, but eager to pay for all my inconvinience more than I deemed appropriate.

Job experience

QR tracking front-end

Hard to coordinate remotely

After the task had been finished I resumed studying until once again I met a friend of a friend of mine who needed a specific site for his startup. I didn't hesitate to accept his offer and joined his team for a couple of months during which I was responsible mostly for the front-end part of the site development. I also spent quite a while coordinating with other members of the team since we were to work remotely, giving some advices and fixing interactions between the parts of the system.

Job experience


Internship and then permission to apply

I'm full stack now

Happy but still looking

After having a year off my programming duties, I proceeded to apply for the internship after which I was given the permission to apply for a job there when I'll have more time to devote to them. It happened to be when I was in my 4th year at university. I easily passed the interview and proceeded to my duties which I've been performing till nowadays. I work as a full-stack web developer in a team maintaining a site enabling economists to send their tax reports. I am happy to do it as for now but slowly beginning to look for other areas interesting to me.


'Bout Me Artyom Desyatnikov