On Github a-fro / ansible-iwp
Created for the Ithaca Web People Meetup by @aaronfroehlich
[dev] a-fro.dev [staging] stage.a-fro.com [production] a-fro.com [droplets:children] staging production
ansible production -m ping -i inventory
ansible production -m ping -i inventory
--- - name: Get software for Python-based control. apt: "pkg={{ item }} state=installed" with_items: - curl - python-apt - python-pycurl
--- domain: "ithacawebpeople.dev" webroot: "/var/www/{{ domain }}" repo_url: "git@github.com:a-fro/ansible-iwp.git" apache_vhosts: - {servername: "{{ domain }}", documentroot: "{{ webroot }}"}
--- - hosts: drupal7 tasks: - name: Download drupal core patch. get_url: url: https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/SA-CORE-2014-005-D7.patch dest: /tmp/SA-CORE-2014-005-D7.patch - name: Apply the patch from the drupal docroot. shell: "patch -p1 < /tmp/SA-CORE-2014-005-D7.patch chdir={{ drupal_docroot }}" - name: Restart apache (or nginx, and/or php-fpm, etc.) to rebuild opcode cache. service: name=httpd state=restarted - name: Clear Drupal caches (because it's always a good idea). command: "drush cc all chdir={{ drupal_docroot }}" - name: Ensure we're not vulnerable anymore. [redacted]