On Github WillemLabu / responsive101
Ask things at any time
Same content, displayed differently
As always, it's about
Let's not annoy people who want to give us their moneys.
UX is more than just nice animations.
Yeah, okay..
Developers (and semantic code) have a lot to do with this, but excellence means being interested.
How we currently designs websites
7+ Desktop
3+ Smart Phones + Tablets
500+ Mobi
Print and marketing CI Guidelines
Fixed width boxes like posters and billboards
Challenge is the heart of learning
Let's have another look at the tools, quick quick
Now we have one screen to test everything on.
Chrome & Safari: "Dev Tools"
Firefox: "Firebug"
Internet Explorer: "F12 Dev Tools"
In fact, that's how developers do most of their front-end work nowadays.
Inspect → Change → Copy & Paste
It's also useful for stealing things.
For instance..
Let's do a layout!Short attention spans means
It also shows a level of excellence in craftsmanship, and that designers have thought about the how they want to showcase their work in the best way on different devices.