Ultimately, a set of web assets
javascript, css, images
Jafar has to be able to find/use these
You have to be a sorcerer (like Jafar) to read the js templates
!function(){{var a=Handlebars.template;Handlebars.templates=Handlebars.template s||{}}partials=Handlebars.partials=Handlebars.partials||{},partials.paginator=a (function(a,e,l,s,p){function t(){return"\n"}function n(a,e){var s,p="";return p+="\n",s=l["if"].call(a,a&&a.pages,{hash:{},inverse:f.noop,fn:f.program(4,r,e) ,data:e}),(s||0===s)&&(p+=s),p+="\n"}function r(a,e){var s,p,t,n="";return n+=' \n\n «\n ‹\n
\n page of ',(p=l.pages)?s=p.call(a,{hash:{},data:e}):(p=a&&a.pages,s=ty peof p===q?p.call(a,{hash:{},data:e}):p),n+=m(s)+'\n
\n ›\n »\n\n"}function h(){return"disabled"}function g(){return'disabled=""'}this.compilerInfo=[4,">= 1.0.0"],l=this.merge(l,a.helpe rs),p=p||{};var c,i,o,u="",d=l.helperMissing,f=this,q="function",m=this.escapeE xpression;return i=l.equals||e&&e.equals,o={hash:{},data:p},c=i?i.call(e,e&&e.p ages,1,o):d.call(e,"equals",e&&e.pages,1,o),c=l["if"].call(e,c,{hash:{},inverse :f.program(3,n,p),fn:f.program(1,t,p),data:p}),(c||0===c)&&(u+=c),u+="\n"})}();The designer doesn't interact with the "ultimate form".
The source code for a theme consists of:
a manifest one or more handlebars (.hbs or .handlebars) files optional css or sass (.css or .scss) files optional image files other files will be ignored, but may be presentNote: a theme source may not (at this time) include any javascript files
templates: - results.handlebars.js
Hello world!
Handlebars is a templating language that looks like HTML, but with interpolated expressions bracketed by double curly braces (the "handlebars"):
{ name: "Bulbasaur", pokedexNumber: 1, type: ["Grass", "Poison"] }
{{ capitalize name }}
{{ find facets name="Price" type="Enum" }}
A handlebars expression that starts with a # is a block helper
{ name: "Bulbasaur", pokedexNumber: 1, type: ["Grass", "Poison"] }
Output is the same as before, because {{ image }} is undefined so the block is skipped
can also include an {{else}} blockin javascript, falsey values include: false, undefined, null, NaN, 0, ""
equivalent to "if not"
iterates over all members of a collection repeats the block once with each member as context
switches context to the specified object
{ name: "Bulbasaur", pokedexNumber: 1, type: ["Grass", "Poison"] }
Type: {{#each type}} {{ this }}, {{/each}}
Type: Grass, Poison,
Inside an #each block, you have access to special boolean properties @first and @last
Type: {{#each type}} {{ this }}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}} {{/each}}
You can also access to the current @index for arrays or @key for objects.
{ filters: { currentFilters: [{ facet: "Employer", operator: "is", value: "Webkite" }], filterGroups: [{ filters: [{ facet: "Employer", operator: "is", value: "Webkite" }] }], filterableFacets: [{ name: "Employer", type: "Enum", values: ["Webkite"] }], }, sort: { currentDirection: "asc", currentSort: "Last Name", sortableFacets: ["Last Name"] }, pagination: { page: 2, pages: 2, perPage: 12, totalItems: 15, nextPage: 2, prevPage: 1, firstResult: 13, lastResult: 15 },
items: [ { id: "cc5d25b9-48ce-4049-9aec-9bd6e435113a", showDetails: false, facets: [ { id: "f0418195-47a9-4833-87fa-be9661e69ecc", name: "Department", type: "Enum", displayValue: "Customer", value: null, values: ["Customer"], text: "|Customer|", sortable: false, filterable: true, filterableValues: ["Customer", "Development", "Executive", "Office", "Sales"], level: 0, parent: undefined, properties: undefined }, { id: "d90ac38e-2173-4024-b0cc-d29108850de7", name: "First Name", type: "Text" displayValue: "Dan", value: null,
values: ["Dan"], text: "Dan", sortable: false, filterable: false, filterableValues: [], level: 0, parent: undefined, properties: undefined }, ... ] }, { id: "d2ab26bd-1e74-4dbc-a61f-31a6e0c0bfe6", showDetails: false, facets: [ ... ] }, ... ] }
templates: - results.handlebars.js partials: - filter-bar.handlebars.js
{{> filter-bar filters}}
{{ log this }}
{{ equals pagination.page 1 }}
{{ add 1 2 3 4 }}
{{ multiply 1 2 3 4 }}
{{#repeat 5}}{{this}}{{/repeat}}
{{ capitalize "webKite" }}
{{ downcase "COSMIC POWER" }}
{{ currency "4" }}
{{ pluck objects "name" }}
{{ find objects name="Bar" }}
{{ select objects value=0 }}
{{ contains names "Orangutan" }} {{ contains names "Xyzzy" }}
{{ facets type="Text" }}
{{#facet name="Price")}} {{/facet}}
{{ paginator pagination 5 }}
Handlebars helpers can accept the results evaluating another expression as an argument
{{#if (equals pagination.totalItems 0)}} Sorry! There are no items to display. {{/if}}
{{#with (find facets name="Price")}} ${{ currency value }} {{/with}}
{{#facet name="Price")}} ${{ currency value }} {{/facet}}
templates: - results.handlebars.js partials: - filter-bar.handlebars.js stylesheets: - dark.css - light.css
stylesheets: - dark.css - light.css images: - branding-light.svg - branding-dark.svg
.webkite-branding-area { background: url("branding-light.svg"); }
Complete theme API documentation can be found here: http://tikiwiki.webkite.org/tiki-index.php?page=Jafar+Themes&structure=Jafar+Themes