On Github TeresaLight / 2014-JQCon-presentation
Teresa Light and Associates create beautiful websites, mobile apps and games. Other passions include promoting a sustainable planet, and designing games.
I enjoy learning, and hold some degrees and certifications. I am active in the local San Diego tech community, including SanDiego.js. You can learn more at http://teresalight.com, or by following @Teresa_Light on Twitter.
I have been programing for over 5 years and now have an emphasis in Javascript. I love my job at Third Cousin, where we specialize in making awesome things on the web.
The Javascript community has become a second home and a passion, which I am very active in locally. I have fallen in love with developing with tools such as CreateJS and enjoy spending the day making awesome applications that make people say wow.
CreateJS is a suite of libraries that enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5.
The libraries work independently, or mixed and matched.
They are: EaselJS, TweenJS, SoundJS, PreloadJS, and Zoë.
You will find them at createjs.com.
PreloadJS lets you manage and co-ordinate the loading of assets.
It controls page load speeds by chosing when to load what.
Works by reading an array of resources, then calling a function when complete
var assets = [ { id: "background", src: "backgrounds.png" }, { id: "alabama-shape", src: "alabama-s.png" }, { id: "alaska-shape", src: "alaska-s.png" }, { id: "arizona-shape", src: "arizona-s.png" }, ]; preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(false); preload.addEventListener("progress", handleLoadProgress); preload.addEventListener("complete", handleLoadComplete); // Preload them preload.loadManifest(assets);
EaselJS provides a straight forward, easy solutions for working with rich graphics and interactivity with the HTML5 Canvas.
Easy to use API's
Stage, Bitmaps, Text, Sprite Sheets, Ticker
Filters, Masks and Transformations
canvas = document.getElementById("soundJS"); stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas); createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage); var graphic = new createjs.Graphics(); graphic.setStrokeStyle(1); graphic.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0,0,0)); graphic.beginFill(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255,0,0)); graphic.drawCircle(50,50,50); var circle = new createjs.Shape(graphic); circle.x = 25; circle.y = 50; stage.addChild(shape);
TweenJS is for tweening and animating HTML5 and Javascript properties.
circle.alpha = 1; createjs.Tween.get(circle) .to({x:300}, 1000) .call(function(){ //handle complete });
SoundJS is for tweening and animating HTML5 and Javascript properties.
It works great cross platform.
createjs.Sound.registerSound({id:"sound", src:"tap.wav"}); . . . circle.addEventListener('click', function(){ createjs.Sound.play("tick-sound"); });
An optional extention to Adobe Flash CS6 software to export content for CreateJS.
Here is video to learn more:
Teresa Light: @teresa_light
Joshua Smith: @jpsmith1981
The Framework ----> @createjs
CreateJS Creator --> @gskinner
Super Awesome ----> @derossi_s