Generalized inverse limits indexed by arbitrary total orders
Steven Clontz
UNC Charlotte
2016 March 5th
Presentation for the
Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting
Special Session on Topology and Dynamical Systems
Call an idempotent uppersemicontinuous continuum-valued surjective relation on \(X^2\) a CV-relation. The presenter and S. Varagona showed that an inverse limit of a linearly ordered compactum indexed by an ordinal and bonded with a single CV-relation is metrizable if and only if the ordinal is countable. This result may be generalized to any totally ordered index.To demonstrate this, the presenter will give a simple characterization for the inverse limit bonded by the simple CV-relation \(\gamma\) in terms of the lexicographic product of the factor space and linearly ordered index.
Background and Motivation
Product space: \(X^\omega=[0,1]^{\{0,1,2,\dots\}}\)
Bonding relation: \(f\subseteq_{cl} X^2\)
A.K.A. u.s.c. bonding map \(f:X\to C(X)\)
\(f(x)\) is a continuum for all \(x\in X\).
(so \(f\) is connected)
- \(f\) is surjective.
Inverse Limit: \(\varprojlim\{X,f,\omega\}\)
- \(\vec x(n)\in f(\vec x(n+1))\)
Assume \(X\) is a Hausdorff continuum
Some properties of \(\varprojlim\{X,f,\omega\}\):
[Charatonik and Roe 2014]
- Nonempty
- Metrizable (if \(X\) is)
- Compact
- Connected
Totally ordered index: \(\varprojlim\{X,f,L\}\subseteq X^L\)
\(\vec x(\alpha)\in f(\vec x(\beta))\)
for all \(\alpha\lt\beta\) in \(L\)
Assume \(f\) is idempotent:
\(f(x)=\{z:\exists y\in f(x)\text{ such that }z\in f(y)\}\),
i.e. \(f=f\circ f\).
Some properties of \(\varprojlim\{X,f,L\}\):
- Nonempty
- Compact
- Connected
- Hausdorff
Metrizable (?)
Silly example: \(L\) is countable
\(\varprojlim\{X,f,L\}\subseteq X^L\) is metrizable.
Silly example: the identity relation \(\iota\)
\(\varprojlim\{X,\iota,L\}\cong X\) is metrizable
We now assume \(f\not=\iota\).
\(\varprojlim\{I,\gamma,\omega_1\}\) is
the closed long ray of length \(\omega_1\), so not metrizable
(or even Corson compact, \(W\), Frechet-Urysohn,
first-countable, etc.)
The \(\Gamma\) condition
There exist \(x,y\in I\) such that
\(\langle x,x\rangle,\langle x,y\rangle,\langle y,y\rangle\)
are all in \(f\).
Theorem: Idemptotent, continuum-valued \(f\subseteq I^2\)
have \(\Gamma\).
[Clontz and Varagona 2015]
Simplest example: \(\gamma\)
The total orders \(\check L\), \(\hat L\)
For any total order \(L\), we may define
\(\check L=\{A\subseteq L:a\in L,b\lt a\Rightarrow b\in L\}\)
and \(\hat L=\{A\in\check L:A\text{ is closed}\}\),
which are both totally ordered by \(\subseteq\).
Theorem: \(\check L\cong \varprojlim\{2,\gamma,L\}\)
Metrizability of \(\varprojlim\{X,f,L\}\)
If \(f\) has \(\Gamma\), then
\(\varprojlim\{X,f,L\}\supseteq\varprojlim\{2,\gamma,L\}=\check L\)
FACT: \(\check L\) is metrizable iff \(\check L\) is
second-countable iff \(L\) is countable
\(\varprojlim\{X,f,L\}\) cannot be metrizable
unless \(f\) lacks \(\Gamma\) or \(L\) is countable.
Characterizing \(\varprojlim\{X,\gamma,L\}\)
\(\check L\) contains
the lexicographic product \(L\times_{lex} 2\),
adding new points for leftward sets without a supremum.
LOTS \(M\)
Suppose \(M\) is a (compact) LOTS with minimum \(0\) and
maximum \(1\).
A point in \(\varprojlim\{M,\gamma,L\}\) is a thread
which is valued \(1\) on some closed leftward set
\(A\in\hat L\),
except it may have any value of
\(M\) on its supremum (if it exists), and \(0\) otherwise.
\[\varprojlim\{M,\gamma,L\}\cong^?\hat L\times_{lex}M\]
where \(\langle A,m\rangle\) corresponds to the thread
valued \(m\) on \(\sup A\), valued \(1\) for points
in \(A\setminus\{\sup A\}\),
and valued \(0\) otherwise.
If \(l,l+1\in L\) are successors, we cannot have separate
points for the single thread where
\(\vec x(l)=1\) and \(\vec x(l+1)=0\).
If \(A\in\hat L\) has no supremum, its corresponding thread is
forced to be \(1\) on \(A\) and \(0\) otherwise, so should
correspond to a single point.
\(\varprojlim\{M,\gamma,L\}\cong(\check L\times_{lex}M )/ \sim\)
When \(A\in\hat L\) has no supremum or \(A=\emptyset\),
\langle A,m\rangle
\langle A,m'\rangle
Future work
It can be shown that
\varprojlim\{M,\nu,L\}\setminus\{\vec 0\}
(\check L\setminus\{\emptyset\})
\). Any other simple computations?
For uncountable \(L\), can
\(\check L\) be
Corson compact (compact subspace of Sigma product of reals)?
What minimal criteria guarantee that \(f\)
satisfies condition \(\Gamma\)?
Can similar techniques be used for a family of bonding
relations \(\{f_{\alpha,\beta}:\alpha\lt\beta\in L\}\)?
Wlodzimierz J. Charatonik and Robert P. Roe,
On Mahavier Products,
Topology and its Applications, 166, (2014), 92-97.
Steven Clontz,
Characterizations of Generalized Inverse Limits
Indexed by Total Orders,
in preparation
Steven Clontz and Scott Varagona,
Destruction of Metrizability in Generalized Inverse Limits,
Topology Proc. 48 (2016), 289-297.
Sina Greenwood and Judy Kennedy,
Connected generalized inverse limits,
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W. T. Ingram and William S. Mahavier,
Inverse limits of upper semi-continuous set valued functions,
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Connected inverse limits with a set-valued function,
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Scott Varagona,
Generalized Inverse Limits Indexed by Totally Ordered Sets,
Patrick Vernon,
Inverse limits of set-valued functions indexed by the integers,
Topology Applications 171 (2014), 35-40.
Generalized inverse limits indexed by arbitrary total orders
Steven Clontz
UNC Charlotte
2016 March 5th
Presentation for the
Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting
Special Session on Topology and Dynamical Systems