Supercharge AngularJS – Performance Measurement and Tuning

Supercharge AngularJS – Performance Measurement and Tuning

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Supercharge AngularJS - Performance Measurement and Tuning

On Github SmallImprovements / angular-performance-talk

Supercharge AngularJS

Performance Measurement and Tuning

Sebastian Fröstl && Damien Klinnert

We <3 angular.js

Hello world!

<h3>Hello {{name}}</h3>
<input ng-model="name">

Behind the AngularJS magic

One: Address book

Demo | Demo fixed

Avoid watching invisible elements

limit number of watches, use ng-if instead of ng-show

Two: Bakery

Demo | Demo fixed

No complex watch statements

precalculate and cache results, make watches simple and fast

Three: Numbers

Demo | Demo fixed

Ensure DOM updates are batched

don't use ng-include in ng-repeat, prefill the template cache


“Performance tuning – set expectations, measure, tune, and repeat” – {1} Have a problem (no premature optimizations) Set time/ budget limits Measure correctly Find main bottle necks Fix bottlenecks one by one (constantly measure and evaluate new state)

Wrap up

  • AngularJS detects model changes by dirty checking. Within the $digest cycle a previous stored value is compared to the actual model value. Process is repeated until models are stable
  • One: Don't watch for invisible (ng-if > ng-show)
  • Two: Avoid complex watch-expressions
  • Three: Ensure DOM updtes are batched
  • Workflow: detect problem, set expectations, measure, fix, repeat

* Small Improvements is hiring



Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS, Pawel Kozlowski, Peter Bacon Darwin, Packt Publishing, 23. August 2013 AngularJS Performance Tuning for Long Lists Optimizing AngularJS: 1200ms to 35ms Analysing Performance of AngularJS Screens Misco Hevery on AngularJS performance AngularJS: 6 Common Pitfalls Using Scopes Bindonce: Zero watches binding for AngularJS