On Github SUNY-Albany-CCI-LearningEncounters / MongoDB-Introduction-Part-I
Created by Luis Ibanez
is a
with a
a "Database"
a "Collection"
a "Document"
a "Field"
is a
"key-value" pair
a "key-value" pair
uses the JSON notation
'key' : 'value'
Think of a Country and City
that you would like to visit
if someone else is paying for the trip.
From the Command Line
open the INF202World database:
mongo INF202World
See the available collections
show collections
One of the collections
is called
See if your city exists
db.cities.find( { 'name' : 'New York' } )
but of course, use your city's names
If your city exists,
pick another one
that is not in the collection.
Insert your new city
db.cities.insert( { 'name' : 'Emerald City' } )
but of course, use your city's names
Verify that it worked
db.cities.find( { 'name' : 'Emerald City' } )
but of course, use your city's names
See all the city names
db.cities.find( {}, { 'name' : 1 } )
The "find"
has two arguments
The two arguments are:
db.cities.find( filter, question )
No need to type this in MongoDB
The "filter"
narrows the search
The "question"
selects the fields
we want to get back
When we do
db.cities.find( {}, { 'name' : 1 } )
the "filter" is empty
so we are getting all cities (document)
from the collection
Exit MongoDB shell
open again the INF202World database:
mongo INF202World
See the available collections
show collections
See again your city's data
db.cities.find( { 'name' : 'New York' } )
but of course, use your city's names
Let's add more to it.
Update the document with the country.
db.cities.update( { 'name' : 'New York' }, { $set : { 'country' : 'USA' } } )
but of course, use your city's names
and it's respective country.
Note the '$set' operator.
db.cities.update( { 'name' : 'New York' }, { $set : { 'country' : 'USA' } } )
It is VERY important.
Without the '$set' operator
the new data will
the existing data.
Check again your city's data
db.cities.find( { 'name' : 'New York' } )
but of course, use your city's names
if at anytime you get the prompt
It means that you may not have closed all the {} or () or "".
The "update"
has two arguments
The two arguments are:
db.cities.find( filter, newdata )
No need to type this in MongoDB
The "filter"
narrows the search
The "newdata"
provides data to be added
or to replace current data
If "newdata"
then data will be added
If "newdata"
does not use
then data will be replaced
Let's add food data.
db.cities.update( { 'name' : 'New York' }, { $set : { 'food' : [ 'pizza', 'sandwich' ] } } )
but of course, use your city's typical food
Check again your city's data
db.cities.find( { 'name' : 'New York' } )
but of course, use your city's names
Find all cities in a country
db.cities.find( { 'country' : 'USA' } )
Find all cities in a country
and get only their names
db.cities.find( { 'country' : 'USA' }, { 'name' : 1 } )
Find all cities in a country
and get only their names
without their _id
db.cities.find( { 'country' : 'USA' }, { 'name' : 1, '_id' : 0 } )
The same can be written
using multiple lines
db.cities.find( { 'country' : 'USA' }, { 'name' : 1, '_id' : 0 } )
Find all cities
in the same country
as your city
Every city
is a MongoDB
The group of cities
is a MongoDB
Visit the
Wikipedia page
of your city.
Select information
to add to the
MongoDB Document.
Some pieces of data
will be
in key:value format.
Some pieces of data
will be
in key:array format.