On Github SEJeff / graphite-talk
Created by Jeff Schroeder / @SEJeff / github: SEJeff / Presentation Video
Eyecandy for devops teams A fantastic visualization tool for time-series metrics A community of metrics and graph fanatics
(no unicorns were harmed in the creation of this presentation)
A composer for adhoc graphing, a dashboard for ops, and a REST API for developers/external tools.
Used for creating and manipulating new graphs on the fly
A built-in dashboard creator to add graphs to a big monitoring screen
Mailgun monitors their elasticsearch infrastructure with graphite.
The REST API allows other external tools to use graphite data for creating the pretty
The caching, relay, and storage layer. Carbon is what clients actually send metrics to.
Mention it is written in twisted and make a bad joke about twistedCarbon uses storage schemas
[apache_busyWorkers] pattern = ^servers\.www.*\.workers\.busyWorkers$ retentions = 5m:1d,15m:7d,1h:30d,6h:1y
Graphite docs on sending metrics
#!/bin/bash # Basically the best carbon client in the world GRAPHITE_SERVER=${GRAPHITE_SERVER:-localhost} GRAPHITE_PORT=${GRAPHITE_PORT:-2003} echo "foo.bar.baz $(($RANDOM % 500)).$(($RANDOM % 5)) $(date +%s)" | \ nc "$GRAPHITE_SERVER" "$GRAPHITE_PORT"
metric.schema.name value_as_float unix_epoch_time
The carbon aggregator buffers metrics and performs down-sampling operations. Examples could be things like summing requests per hour and only firing the counter to the cache once per hour. Many people use one of the various forms of statsd to do this as well.
TL;DNR: Use statsd, it is awesome!
Aggregating metrics lessens the I/O load on your caches quite a bit. Issues with the graphite aggregator.Regex-based rules or consistent-hashing.
Example relay-rules.conf
[db_servers] pattern = ^collectd\..*db.* servers =,, myserver.example.com
Whisper is a python library created essentially to be a better RRD.
The internets agrees!
In RRD speak, data retention policies are configured via a RRA using reverse polish notation.
Sorry, not the yummy hot dogs us Chicagoans love!
Taken from stack overflow, so it has to be right
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288 \ # 5 minute avg for 1 day RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:3:672 \ # 15 minute avg for 1 week RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:744 \ # 1 hour avg for 1 month RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:72:1480 # 6 hour avg for 1 year
Enough time blabbing, time for 12 great graphite tools
Graphene is built for tv static dashboards
framework, some assembly requiredGiraffe is great viewing pre-generated realtime dashboards
framework, some assembly requiredWritten by square, cubism, helps build compact and realtime dashboards.
javascript framework, some assembly requiredIf you love jQuery (I do!), graphite.js, makes it pretty trivial to pull graphs into your existing application
javascript framework, some assembly requiredFor those who don't prefer a roll your own approach
Descartes is a full featured graphing dashboard with builtin collaboration and native "composer" functionality.
obfuscurity wrote it woop woopGdash uses a simple DSL for generating graphs and is easy to get going
Doesn't graph client-side graphs and uses a dsl for graphs that makes creating new dashboards quickTasseo is an alerting dashboard that can change graph colors based on thresholds.
Tattle is a popular alerting dashboard
Sends alerts via email and allows setting thresholds in the web uiOrion full featured dashboard application with granular access control over metrics
Oauth access controlGraph Explorer replacement for the graphite composer with tagging and other cleverness
Vimeo wrote this!Graphsky is more or less a ganglia replacement dashboard built ontop of graphite
Vimeo wrote this!Dusk a realtime hotspot dashboard
uses cubism, amongst other things and obfuscurity wrote it woop woop