Make Your Browser Dance – Hello – Happy Birthday To Me!

Make Your Browser Dance – Hello – Happy Birthday To Me!

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Make your browser dance talk (reveal.js)

On Github Rumyra / make-your-browser-dance

Make Your Browser Dance


I'm Ruth

Work in The Lab at o2

UX, Design, Front End Dev


Happy Birthday To Me!

It was my birthday yesterday Not the reason I want to make my browser dance But I to go a little off piste - highlight my age I turned 32 Reason to tell you this is because my story starts back when I was at uni - unless u knew my age u wouldn't know how long ago that was - it was over ten years ago, to me that's quite a long time So let's get a little nostagic Not gonna try and guess your age However I'm gonna assume you've seen this


Winamp was the mp3 player of choice - still available We're talking back when Napster was illegal What I really wanted to focus on is the visualizer Cool

My name is Ruth and I am a VJ

(No not a DJ)

“VJing is a broad designation for realtime visual performance” - Wikipedia This was pretty influencial as one other thing I did at uni was to VJ Basically we projected pretty animations in music venues, clubs, bars etc... Used a piece of software called Visual Jockey One of the cool things took a line in of the sound - band, dj - detected frequencies. Beat, bass - manipulated parts of animation based on this. Much like the winamp visualiser.

Get to the point already!

CSS Animations

Web Audio API (+ others)

Can we recreate my old uni days?

So by now you may see where I'm going with this For the past ten years I've bene engrossed with designing website layouts, more recently apps - all pretty static, coding html & css, I had left my VJing days behind. Then we got CSS animations And a web audio API Suddenly I thoguht to myself - is it now possible - let's find out

Two things

Moving visual

Sound wave

Let's do a proof of concept Let's keep the first iteration simple - let's see if it's possible My minimum requirements are: Moving visual - an animation if you will Sound wave - which I can detect frequencies from Let's start with the moving visual - for this I want to use CSS animations. Mention SVG & Canvas & CSS transitions SVG - some animatable Canvas - Just like the idea of CSS animations CSS transitions - not as much control

The Briefest History of Animation

Animation is old Cave paintings showed animals with multiple leg positions - debatable but probably to show motion Artifacts have been recovered from both Egypt and Iran depicting sucessive images which as you can see show motion. If you're wondering - this is known to be soldiers wrestling

19th Century

Thaumatrope (1824)
Thaumatrope - disc with string, wound up and spun - 2 images or frames

19th Century

Phenakistoscope (1831)
Phenakistrope - disk with more images, slits in disk - held in front of a mirror and spun whilst looking through slits

19th Century

Zoetrope (1834)

Photo by Andrew Dunn,

Zoetrope - like Phenakistrope just in a bowl like cylinder

19th Century

Flipbooks (1868)
Keith Haring Flip-Book,

20th Century



Stop Motion

Computer / 3D / CGI

Cellyloid - invented in the 19th century but popular in early 20th - upraising of cameras. Early cartoons drawings on papar that were photographed Let's not forget Stop Motion animation - most famous Wallace & Gromit All these methods rely on frames


Everything is frame based

Keyframes & tweening

EXPLAIN KEYFRAMES AND TWEENING All digital animation is based upon this - flash, photoshop gifs, video editing, 3D animation. And so is CSS animation Like this: Show ball
Keyframe at top When bounces back up Let's look at the code behind this

Creating CSS animation

@keyframes bouncingBall {
	0% {top:-200px;}
	50% {top:100px;}
	100% {top:-100px;}

@keyframes fadeIn {
	from {opacity:0;}
	to {opacity:1;}

List of animatable properties:

Use vendor prefixes!

Declare animation using @keyframe directive Can use percentages or just from too Lots of animatable propertie - fonts, borders, backgrounds, prositioning List

Calling your animation

.ball {animation : bouncingBall 2s infinite ease-out;}

.ball {
	animation-name: bouncingBall;
	animation-duration: 2s; /*Can be ms*/
	animation-iteration-count: infinite; /*Or integer*/
	animation-direction: normal; /*normal, alternate*/
	animation-timing-function: ease-out; /*ease, ease-out, ease-in, ease-in-out, linear, cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2)*/
	animation-fill-mode: forwards; /*forwards, backwards, both, none*/
	animation-delay: 0s; /*Can be ms*/

Elements can have multiple animations, just comma separate list

Again vendor prefixes!

simple as adding animation property Can declare each property separetely Can have more than one animation on an element

Go Mad

See the Pen 3D TagCloud by Benjamin (@maggiben) on CodePen

See the Pen Hypnoswirl by Adrian Osmond (@adrianosmond) on CodePen

See the Pen YATZEE!!! by Alec Taylor (@ataylor79) on CodePen

Tie in new 3D stuff Listen to your computer take off!

I mean really

Expanding on the ball

Briefest Intro to Sound

Image by University of Utah,

Not gonna insult your intelligence by standing here with a springy like a GCSE science lesson, saying look this is how sound works! Travels through the air compressing and expanding areas or particles This can be illustrated by drawing a wave SHOW This is a sin wave - in sound there are different shapes, square, triangle, sawtooth Why do we care? This is what we want to detect - so we can get info like frequency & volume.

Web Audio API

Create new instance

var myAudioContext = new webkitAudioContext();

Did I mention prefixing?

Either load into a node via an http request

Or create audio element


Web Audio API

Load audio

HTTP request

audio element & createMediaElementSource method

//get audio element
var audioElement = document.getElementById('elementID');
//create source
var sourceNode = myAudioContext.createMediaElementSource(mediaElement);
//connect source to destination (speakers)
Now we have a instance there are lots of things we can do Firstly loading audio Do this either with HTTP request or audio element Audio element is simpler and no decode needed Go through code

Web Audio API

Lots of manipulations

Change volume: myAudioContext.createGain();

Create filters: myAudioContext.createBiquadFilter();

Create sound: myAudioContext.createOscillator;

Things you can do Basic things like start & stop functionality Change the volume Create filters Can even create your own sound rather than loading THE O'REILLY BOOK IS FREE!

Web Audio API


Frequency data: getFloatFrequencyData or getByteFrequencyData

Time data: getByteTimeDomainData

You can analyse an audio context using the web audio api by calling the 'createAnlyser' method That then gives you methods for frequency and time data - brilliant just what we need
Whoop we did it - we can take a sound wave, get some data from it and use that to manipulate visuals - all in a browser.

Other Web API's

Clubs & Venues :( Dark Cause problems with projecting

They have their own lights - interfear with projector

Wouldn't it be nice if we could detect the ambient light Other params (ambient light)

Detecting Audio

Difficult: Audio API needs audio loaded into it

Enter GetUserMedia

Jiggery Pokery: Detect what the mic is picking up and pass that back into the Audio API

Doing it wrong - we're not the ones loading the audio. We want to detect it. Actually quite difficult - we really want the Audio API to detect a line in - it doesn't - doesn't even detect mic. Enter GetUserMedia - now we can detect the mic. Would luv it to detect line out.
Talk very loudly

Thank you


If you had said to me 10 years ago, that I could do what i was doing then, on a laptop, in a browser, using just code. I wouldn't have laughed at you - I probbaly would have cried a little. Yet I'm standing here doing excaltly that. Thank you very much for reminising with me and sharing my journey - I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. Web apis can do - it's just about to kick off - I would get on the train before it does :)

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