On Github RobertTalbert / cardiffuniv
Robert Talbert, Grand Valley State University / @RobertTalbert / +RobertTalbert
Workshop on Innovations in University Mathematics Teaching
Cardiff University School of Mathematics, 7 July 2014
Flipped learning and lifelong learning
Self-Regulated Learning
Flipped learning in calculus
Lessons learned from flipping
Group space = Listening, telling, transcribing
https://www.flickr.com/photos/edbrambley/Individual space = Application, analysis, assimilation
https://www.flickr.com/photos/taylorsevens/Class time used up on low-level tasks
Students work on hardest tasks when help least available
Students lack control over information stream
Encourages dependency of student upon instructor
Lower-level tasks ⇨ Individual space pre-class
Group space ⇨ Analysis, application, synthesis + guidance
https://www.flickr.com/photos/maximalideal/Videos before class and homework in class
Lecture before class and more lecture in class
Students teaching themselves material with minimal guidance
The "flipped classroom" (necessarily)
Students assuming responsibility for their learning
Putting direct instruction and active learning in the best contexts
Putting information flow on students' terms
Maximizing access to expert help when students need it the most
more time in the classroom for deep exploration
a client-consultant model of education
responsibility, independence, maturity
intentional practice with self-regulated learning
Four areas:
Four phases:
1: Forethought, planning, activation
2: Monitoring
3: Control
4: Reaction and reflection
Students to reach all phases of SRL
in all areas of SRL
by creating all four conditions for SRL
in class, with expert coaching
and outside class, through structured activities
thereby setting students up to be true lifelong learners.
Content mastery and conceptual fluency
Do calculus in the style of a professional
Use the client-consultant model
Intentional focus on SRL and technology
Active Calculus by Matt Boelkins
http://www.geogebratube.com, search under GVSU MTH201
trinket.io as a platform
Online homework using WeBWorK
Portfolio problems
Standard timed tests and final exam
Did students do the pre-class work?
Median completion rates of Guided Practice were 92% for one section and 96% in the other section.
Did students learn through the pre-class work?
Entrance Quiz median values were 78% and 72%.
How much time did it take to make the videos?
With a collaborator, 60 of the 91 videos were completed in a 10-day period prior to the start of classes.
Students do not see the benefits automatically
Biggest issue: Students' time/task management
Significantly more work -- at first
Communication is the key