On Github RaiderColombia / presentacion_pelican
“Pelican” is an anagram for calepin, which means “notebook” in French. ;)
You can access the source code at: https://github.com/getpelican/pelican
Install Pelican (and optionally Markdown if you intend to use it) on Python 2.7.x or Python 3.3+ by running the following command in your preferred terminal, prefixing with sudo if permissions warrant:
pip install pelican markdown
First, choose a name for your project, create an appropriately-named directory for your site, and switch to that directory:
mkdir -p ~/projects/yoursite cd ~/projects/yoursite
Create a skeleton project via the pelican-quickstart command, which begins by asking some questions about your site:
You cannot run Pelican until you have created some content. Use your preferred text editor to create your first article with the following content:
Title: My First Review Date: 2010-12-03 10:20 Category: Review Following is a review of my favorite mechanical keyboard
Given that this example article is in Markdown format, save it as
From your project directory, run the pelican command to generate your site:
pelican content
Your site has now been generated inside the output directory. (You may see a warning related to feeds, but that is normal when developing locally and can be ignored for now.)
Open a new terminal session and run the following commands to switch to your output directory and launch Python’s built-in web server:
cd ~/projects/yoursite/output python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Preview your site by navigating to http://localhost:8000/in your browser.