On Github MichaelBitard / chroot_presentation
Si quelque chose évolue, tenter de mettre à jour la chroot et la repackager
Conseil : à tester sur des petits projets
Chroot minimaliste avec configuration automatisée.
2 modes : Client/Server ou standalone
“Puppet is a tool designed to manage the configuration of Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems declaratively.”Principe
Installation sur le poste client (apt-get install puppet)
Déclaration des actions dans des fichiers .pp
Déclaration des dépendances entre les actions
package {['man-db', 'wget', 'ngrep', 'tree', 'curl', 'bash-completion', 'language-pack-fr', 'gitk', 'bc', 'ccze', 'vim', 'vim-puppet','unzip','time', 'logrotate', 'sysstat', 'tmux', 'xclip', 'firefox', 'libcanberra-gtk0', # Remove warning when launching firefox, better theme 'x11-xkb-utils','xinput', 'x11-xserver-utils', 'xsltproc', 'msmtp', 'sshfs', 'meld','scite','make', 'python-docutils', 'rdesktop', 'x11vnc', 'vinagre', 'ack-grep', 'imagemagick', 'feh', 'python-setuptools', 'pdfgrep', 'evince', 'python-demjson', 'telnet', 'gnome-keyring', 'pssh' ]: ensure => installed ,} package { "git-svn": ensure => installed }
class intellij ( $username ) { $idea_location="/home/nfc/applications" $idea_archive="ideaIC-12.1.tar.gz" exec { "mkdir -p $idea_location && tar xzf /tmp/$idea_archive -C $idea_location && chown -R $username:$username $idea_location" : alias => "install_idea", unless => "test -d $idea_location/idea-IC-129*", require => Download_File["download_idea"], } download_file { "$idea_archive" : alias => "download_idea", site => "http://download-ln.jetbrains.com/idea", cwd => "/tmp", unless => "test -d $idea_location/idea-IC-129* || test -d /tmp/$idea_archive", } }
Chroot Contactless chez MBS
3 équipes (bonne idée?)
41G dont 1G de .m2
1523 lignes de code puppet
41 fichiers puppet
80 fichiers
16493 lignes tout fichiers confondus
Il faut maintenir $$Principe
Installation sur le serveur (git clone)
Déclaration des taches dans des fichiers .yml
Regroupement des taches dans des playbooks
Lancement d'ansible via ssh
- hosts: gitlab sudo: yes tasks: - name: ensure app apt dependencies are installed action: apt pkg=$item with_items: - build-essential - zlib1g-dev - libyaml-dev - libssl-dev - libgdbm-dev - libreadline-dev - libncurses5-dev - libffi-dev - curl - git-core - redis-server - checkinstall - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libicu-dev - python-docutils - libmysqlclient-dev - python-mysqldb
# 4. GitLab shell - hosts: gitlab sudo: yes sudo_user: git vars_files: - vars.yml tasks: - name: ensure Gitlab-Shell git repository is cloned git: repo=https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-shell.git dest=/home/git/gitlab-shell version=v1.7.1 - name: ensure gitlab-shell config is written action: template src=templates/gitlab_shell_config.yml.tmpl dest=/home/git/gitlab-shell/config.yml mode=0755 - name: ensure gitlab-shell is installed command: /home/git/gitlab-shell/bin/install
Il faut automatiser... jusqu'à quel point?